top five greatest hypocrites of the irish sex wars
The liberal leftist atheistic pseudo elites of the Republic of Ireland are pressing home their attempts to eradicate Catholicism from our nation by falsely labelling the Church an abusing institution. This latest persecution has thrown up some rare hypocrites indeed. Here are my five favourites.
1. Michael D Higgins. Famous lying sneerer about the Catholic Church. Presidential candidate for the Labour Party. Personal friend of Nicaraguan President Danilo Ortega. Mr Ortega's own adopted daughter says Mr Ortega raped her throughout her childhood. Higgins has yet to repudiate his old friend President Danilo Ortega of Nicaragua whose child rapes he apparently finds acceptable.
2. Senator David Norris. Another consummate sneerer at Catholicism. Has recently withdrawn from Irish presidential race over scandal about a letter he wrote to an Israeli court asking for leniency for one of his male sex partners who had been convicted of raping a fifteen year old boy.
3. Enda Kenny. Prime Minister, currently trying to make a name for himself by out sneering all the other anti Catholic sneerers. A weak man.
4. The Irish Chief of Police, Fachtna O'Looball. Spoke eloquently, piously and with sublime invidiousness about how he would never allow churchmen to evade his own particular conception of justice. It would be more in his line to prevent his police officers from beating the living s--t out of citizens in the streets as happened in Cork recently, or beating the living s--t out of citizens in their own homes as happened in Dublin. (A tainted Jury acquitted the Dublin thug cops, one of whom had responded to the allegations with the inculpatory phrase: "I'm sorry. Things got out of hand." I call it a tainted Jury by the way because after hearing that statement and still acquitting the police officers, the Jury had to be either tainted with cretinism or tainted with outright malignant treasonous dishonesty. A police spokesman told reporters that it was unlikely even with the acquittals that any of the Dublin officers would be returning to the Force. I am telling you all here and now that every one of those thug police officers will be returning to the Force.) But I digress. Ongoing assaults by police on the broader community are not the reason I call Superintendant Fachtna O'Looball a hypocrite. The reason is this. He refused to take action in the Cynthia Owens case. A case in which the sex abuse, tortures and murders dwarf anything ever laid at the door of paedophiles infiltrating the Catholic Church. Cynthia Owens you will remember was prostituted by her parents as an eleven year old girl to a devil worship ring in Dalkey in 1973. Two babies born to Cynthia were murdered, the first baby by Celine's own mother with a knitting needle. The identies of six members of the devil worship ring are known. Fachtna O'Looball and his predecessors have for years simply refused to open the case. Three of Celine's siblings have committed suicide (or were murdered).
5. The Irish Judiciary. Have contrived to invent criminality for Catholic Bishops simply by retrospectively devising guilt for any attempt to handle sex abuse cases discretely in the past. Ironically enough, in the present day the Judiciary have colluded with the Irish police force to give Judge Brian Curtin a get out of jail free card after the discovery of his predilection for paying to watch children being raped by remote viewing over the internet. Interpol had informed the Irish police force that Judge Brian Curtin was getting his jollies by paying to watch children being raped. And the Irish police force promptly and typically and deliberately enacted their search warrant on Judge Brian Curtin a day late. This allowed the Irish Judiciary the excuse they were looking for to dismiss the charges. The Irish people are being compelled to pay Judge Brian Curtin's legal bills which are currently estimated as being between one and two million dollars. Judge Brian Curtin has been allowed to quietly retire. And these are the people standing in judgement on our ancient Church.
6. Gerry Adams. The head of the Sinn Fein political party and also formerly commander of the IRA terrorist army. Now holds an Irish parliamentary seat for the constituency of Cavan Monaghan. Think of The Hills Have Eyes and you're imagining Cavan Monaghan perfectly. Gerry Adams famously called for Cardinal Sean Brady to resign when the media were seeking to falsely label Cardinal Brady a concealer of child abuse. The arrant hypocrasy of Gerry Adams becomes apparent when you remember that Gerry Adams' niece accused him of failing to take action against his brother (her own father) who had raped her repeatedly in childhood. She had gone to Gerry Adams to tell him about what had happened to her. Gerry Adams had done nothing. And now Gerry Adams was calling on Cardinal Brady to resign. The sum total of the cover ups of child abuse laid at the door of Cardinal Brady is that he is alleged while a young priest to have been a clerk at a meeting where two sex abuse victims, who were no longer being abused, took an oath, the administration of which could be interpreted as swearing them to secrecy. I think we can safely say that Gerry Adams failure to take any action to help his niece while she was being raped by his brother (her father), and his failure to prevent his brother taking jobs with children after Gerry Adams had been informed of his brother's rapes, and finally his failure to alert the police forces in either Ireland or Britain to his brother's predilection for child rape, far exceeds any contrived cover up the media might lay at the door of Cardinal Brady.
1. Michael D Higgins. Famous lying sneerer about the Catholic Church. Presidential candidate for the Labour Party. Personal friend of Nicaraguan President Danilo Ortega. Mr Ortega's own adopted daughter says Mr Ortega raped her throughout her childhood. Higgins has yet to repudiate his old friend President Danilo Ortega of Nicaragua whose child rapes he apparently finds acceptable.
2. Senator David Norris. Another consummate sneerer at Catholicism. Has recently withdrawn from Irish presidential race over scandal about a letter he wrote to an Israeli court asking for leniency for one of his male sex partners who had been convicted of raping a fifteen year old boy.
3. Enda Kenny. Prime Minister, currently trying to make a name for himself by out sneering all the other anti Catholic sneerers. A weak man.
4. The Irish Chief of Police, Fachtna O'Looball. Spoke eloquently, piously and with sublime invidiousness about how he would never allow churchmen to evade his own particular conception of justice. It would be more in his line to prevent his police officers from beating the living s--t out of citizens in the streets as happened in Cork recently, or beating the living s--t out of citizens in their own homes as happened in Dublin. (A tainted Jury acquitted the Dublin thug cops, one of whom had responded to the allegations with the inculpatory phrase: "I'm sorry. Things got out of hand." I call it a tainted Jury by the way because after hearing that statement and still acquitting the police officers, the Jury had to be either tainted with cretinism or tainted with outright malignant treasonous dishonesty. A police spokesman told reporters that it was unlikely even with the acquittals that any of the Dublin officers would be returning to the Force. I am telling you all here and now that every one of those thug police officers will be returning to the Force.) But I digress. Ongoing assaults by police on the broader community are not the reason I call Superintendant Fachtna O'Looball a hypocrite. The reason is this. He refused to take action in the Cynthia Owens case. A case in which the sex abuse, tortures and murders dwarf anything ever laid at the door of paedophiles infiltrating the Catholic Church. Cynthia Owens you will remember was prostituted by her parents as an eleven year old girl to a devil worship ring in Dalkey in 1973. Two babies born to Cynthia were murdered, the first baby by Celine's own mother with a knitting needle. The identies of six members of the devil worship ring are known. Fachtna O'Looball and his predecessors have for years simply refused to open the case. Three of Celine's siblings have committed suicide (or were murdered).
5. The Irish Judiciary. Have contrived to invent criminality for Catholic Bishops simply by retrospectively devising guilt for any attempt to handle sex abuse cases discretely in the past. Ironically enough, in the present day the Judiciary have colluded with the Irish police force to give Judge Brian Curtin a get out of jail free card after the discovery of his predilection for paying to watch children being raped by remote viewing over the internet. Interpol had informed the Irish police force that Judge Brian Curtin was getting his jollies by paying to watch children being raped. And the Irish police force promptly and typically and deliberately enacted their search warrant on Judge Brian Curtin a day late. This allowed the Irish Judiciary the excuse they were looking for to dismiss the charges. The Irish people are being compelled to pay Judge Brian Curtin's legal bills which are currently estimated as being between one and two million dollars. Judge Brian Curtin has been allowed to quietly retire. And these are the people standing in judgement on our ancient Church.
6. Gerry Adams. The head of the Sinn Fein political party and also formerly commander of the IRA terrorist army. Now holds an Irish parliamentary seat for the constituency of Cavan Monaghan. Think of The Hills Have Eyes and you're imagining Cavan Monaghan perfectly. Gerry Adams famously called for Cardinal Sean Brady to resign when the media were seeking to falsely label Cardinal Brady a concealer of child abuse. The arrant hypocrasy of Gerry Adams becomes apparent when you remember that Gerry Adams' niece accused him of failing to take action against his brother (her own father) who had raped her repeatedly in childhood. She had gone to Gerry Adams to tell him about what had happened to her. Gerry Adams had done nothing. And now Gerry Adams was calling on Cardinal Brady to resign. The sum total of the cover ups of child abuse laid at the door of Cardinal Brady is that he is alleged while a young priest to have been a clerk at a meeting where two sex abuse victims, who were no longer being abused, took an oath, the administration of which could be interpreted as swearing them to secrecy. I think we can safely say that Gerry Adams failure to take any action to help his niece while she was being raped by his brother (her father), and his failure to prevent his brother taking jobs with children after Gerry Adams had been informed of his brother's rapes, and finally his failure to alert the police forces in either Ireland or Britain to his brother's predilection for child rape, far exceeds any contrived cover up the media might lay at the door of Cardinal Brady.
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