settling my end of year accounts
A few days before Christmas, Carlos Tejada, a senior editor at the New York Times who had been responsible for much of that paper's coverage advocating the use of Covid 19 vaccines, received a booster shot, his third known dose of a Covid 19 vaccine.
After ingesting the vaccine, which like the other vaccines has been made out of unborn babies murdered by abortion, Mr Tejada published footage of himself mocking those who refuse to use the vaccines.
Then in a surrealistic piece of hubris, he challenged the Omicron variant of the Covid 19 virus to try to kill him.
He died within 24 hours of the publication of his video.
The Omicron variant of the Covid 19 virus had nothing to do with his death.
The vaccine gave him a heart attack.
One shouldn't crow.
American radio shock jock Howard Stern apparently crows all the time whenever someone dies who has been opposed to the vaccines or to the induced flu virus panic generally.
Bergoglio the Apostate crowed when Cardinal Raymond Burke got Covid because Cardinal Burke opposes the use of vaccines made out of unborn babies murdered by abortion.
Fathter Thady at the Curate's Diary magazine certainly seemed to be crowing a bit this week about the death of American broadcaster Marcus Lamb, the founder of Daystar Television, who also opposed the vaccines on principle.
Father Thady also appeared to be crowing about what he called the deaths of at least seven high profile pro life broadcasters.
Marcus Lamb was the only one of those high profile broadcasters whom I'd heard of but never mind that.
My point is, one shouldn't crow.
With the Corona virus kabookie you can pick your deaths to make your own point.
The facts remain.
The Covid 19 death tolls are exaggerated.
Mass hysteria is being induced in the populace by unscrupulous governments.
Some people are dying.
No one should be using vaccines made out of aborted babies.
Interestingly enough my own cousin Joe in America is now on heart medication for life following his ingestion of the so called booster shot which is basically just another dose of whatever vaccine he's already had two rounds of.
He's the same age as me and a good bit healthier than me up to now.
He insists his sudden onset of a permanent potentially fatal heart condition is in no way related to his repeated ingestion on command of Covid 19 vaccines.
Ho hum.
Five days before Christmas my aunt Felicia in California was speaking to me by phone.
Combatively enough she told me everyone should take the vaccines.
I said: "I will talk to you about this but we both have to do some talking and some listening."
She was not willing to listen to my assessment of the situation.
The next day she was rushed to hospital.
They think she's gonna die.
And not ten days ago she was telling me how unthinkable it was to refuse to take the vaccines.
Meanwhile French President Emanuel Macron has announced his intention to "emmerder" anyone who is not vaccinated.
Literally emmerder means "to put in shit."
The sense of it is "to piss off."
He's banning unvaccinated people from cafes and restaurants.
The commentator Mark Steyn asserts that President Macron is effectively depriving five million French people of their citizenship.
If the frogs are doing it, you may be sure those hirelings of Pfizer who steward the Irish Republic will not be far behind.
You understand bold readers.
It was never going to be enough for abortionists that they would simply murder millions of unborn children,
They want to make us eat the children they have murdered.
Back in small town Kilcullen well known vaccine aficionados, retired science teacher Noel Clare (who at Kilcullen Convent provided an early grounding in amoral atheistic versions of science to Teresa Lambe the creator of the Astra Zeneca unborn baby milkshake) and business woman Nessa Dunlea now both have Covid 19.
At year's end I am mildly amused to see broadcaster Brian Byrne's complete arse of a website (styled A Kilcullen Diary) featuring a photo of facemaskless Noel Clare accepting a checque from a donor also facemaskless for use by his community action group.
None of us should be wearing facemasks because they don't work.
But gobshites who've advocated doing whatever pharmaceutical company shills posing as scientists tell us, and who actually already have the ****ing virus in the first place, those gobshites might possibly consider wearing facemasks just for old pig iron.
I mean at least go through the motions.
I could print this photo here.
Legally I mean.
For in 2006 Brian Byrne used my UFO photos without my permission, and since then I consider we have a reciprocal publishing arrangement, ie we steal from each other whenever the mood takes us.
I've waited 16 years for Brian Byrne to publish anything worth stealing.
Now he does and I find I couldn't be arsed.
I have grown weary.
I sense the futility.
The vanity of thinking I could make a difference.
Yes, vanity.
All is vanity says the sage.
Vanity and a chasing after gobshites.
In the pic, Noel is standing two centimetres from the person donating the checque, not the two metres he and his ilk have mandated for the rest of humanity over the past two years.
Thankfully although facemaskless, he's actually dangling a face mask from his hand which should stop his knuckles from getting the plague.
So Noel and by now I'd bet that woman in the photo making the donation, along with Nessa and all the other vaccine conformists, have got Covid 19.
Of course they do.
Because it's a flu virus.
It's going through the herd.
A flu virus engineered in a laboratory at Wuhan by Chinese Communist Party scientists using financing provided by Anthony Fauci of the American National Institute of Health.
But a flu virus nonetheless.
We're all going to get it.
Some of us will die.
Like people die every year from the flu.
We should none of us acquiesce to the creators of the virus forcing us to ingest their untested immorally produced vaccines.
We should none of us be ingesting vaccines produced using tissue and organs harvested from living children on behalf of pharmaceutical companies before abortion providers murdered them.
We should none of us bow to the Covid 19 flag.
Or for that matter to the rainbow flag promoting transgenderism and the performance of mutilating sex change operations on children, which flutters this very evening in the grounds of that formerly Christian educational institution still romantically and quite ludicrously styled Kilcullen Cross And Passion Convent.
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