The Heelers Diaries

the fantasy world of ireland's greatest living poet

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Location: Kilcullen (Phone 087 7790766), County Kildare, Ireland

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

150 years of the irish times

(Episode Two: The Party Continues.)
The long history of the Irish Times, known to many as The Ould Biddy of D'Olier Street, has seen some curious evolutions in the paper's mindset. Initially a snob bound tract intended for what passed as an Irish upper class, the paper's stock in trade was often marked by an overweening contempt for the Catholic faith. By the mid 1960's the paper had also developed clear Marxian leanings. The possible influence of the Soviet Union and the KGB on staff members at the Irish Times has never been properly explored. The closest there has been to open discussion of the possibility of Communist Party control over elements within the Irish Times came with a short article recently in The Phoenix Magazine. The Phoenix suggested that a now deceased Irish Times journalist had been involved in drawing up a list for the KGB of Irish journalists who were considered enemies of the revolution and who would be detained when the Russian Communist Party took over Ireland. I am no friend of The Phoenix. I once wrote ads for them. But they are a skank paper who know a little bit too much about what the IRA thinks of things for comfort. When the McCartney sisters were campaigning to have the IRA men who murdered their brother arrested, The Phoenix printed a picture of the sisters labelled: The Spice Girls. So The Phoenix are scum. This is my analysis. But The Phoenix has provided the sole open expression in Ireland of what many of us have always suspected about The Irish Times. For this The Phoenix deserves some credit. But I digress. The Irish Times international reportage throughout the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's, and onward to the present day, has remained tainted with anti Americanism. Domestically the paper adopted a radical feminist agenda, championing contraception culture, divorce culture, abortion culture, stem cell research, and every other pissant cultural dysfunction that was already observably destroying the Free World. The Irish Times exercised profound influence over Irish legal professionals who in forty years have more than anyone else strived to create the Violent Society in Ireland. The legal professionals are more responsible for the fear we live in than the thugs themselves who commit the violence. And let's be clear. Judge Liberal didn't just happen. Judge Liberal was nursed at the teat of the Irish Times. A recent murder in Ireland involved the violation and killing of a 17 year old Swiss girl called Manuela Riedo. The Swiss girl was killed by a Galway man who had already murdered two people and blinded an old pensioner. None of these crimes had brought him a life sentence or indeed the death sentence he deserved. Three separate crimes, the first of which should have sent him to jail forever. To jail or to the electric chair, I mean. Judge Liberal had sentenced him for a few years on one of the murder raps which of course Judge Liberal referred to as manslaughter. Nothing is murder these days. Although you're just as dead when the scumbags kill you. Then the second murder happened. Judge Liberal and Jury Liberal failed to convict at all for the second murder but the victim was just as dead and the murderer just as guilty as if they had. Judge Liberal also failed to impose any significant sentence for the blinding of the pensioner which actually I consider a third murder. The Swiss girl, the Galway man's fourth victim that we know of, died because the man who killed her was free. The Swiss girl died because of Judge Liberal and because of the liberal ethos propagated shamelessly through our courts and our prisons and our laws, by the invidious incompetents of the Irish Times.

Favourite Memories of The Irish Times: Back in 1990 Saddam Hussein invaded the independent sovereign city State of Kuwait. The Americans led a military invasion to evict him. Before the American liberation could happen however, the Irish Times did its level best to save Saddam Hussein and to uphold his invasion. Irish Times columnist Sean Cronin wrote that he had in his possession a hundred year old map of the world, and that there was no country called Kuwait on it. I remember at the time remarking that the Sean Cronin/Irish Times benchmark for recognising countries would mean the dissolution of most of the nation states of the planet earth, including the Republic of Ireland. Maggie O'Kane also writing in the Irish Times in 1990 filed the most curious reports ever to come out of Iraq. She claimed she knew a taxi driver and that he was "a peaceful man who breeds budgies." He had told her that if he got his hands on the Americans he would wring their necks. All very unrepresentative of what Iraqis really felt. But who was to know? Even today the Islamic Republic of Iran and its proxies in Al Qaeda have had to murder Iraqis in their hundreds of thousands in order to prevent recognition of the will of the Iraqi people to be a pro American western democracy. And lo! How little things have changed at the Irish Times. Just this week the Irish Times printed a report from Afghanistan written by something called Mary Fitzgerald and illustrated with photos by something called Brenda Fitzsimons. This report featured interviews with Taliban/Al Qaeda members. It is my opinion that they were Al Qaeda by the way. The daft Irish Times bints did not make this clear. I wonder did the Irish Times pay a fee to the Taliban/Al Qaeda for those interviews. It would be a new low, wouldn't it? At least it would, if you didn't know about their other lows. Arf, arf. A little low humour there. These twittish Dublin Four birds allowed their terrorist hosts to differentiate themselves from Al Qaeda with the unlikely claim of being Taliban who only wanted their own country back but who are willing to help Al Qaeda if need be. An interesting distinction. The salient quote ran: "I don't like war but I have to fight the Americans." Why it was just like Maggie O'Kane back in the glory days of 1990. And the two Irish Times reporters never so much as mentioned to their terrorist hosts, the organised violation of women at the hands of the Taliban, the murders, the rapes, the closing and burning of girls' schools, the murder of little girls walking towards those schools, the terrorising of little girls in villages, the kidnappings, the slaveries, the enforced illiteracies, the sheer vitiating malign desecration of a generation of young women. Nothing. The great fembo Irish Times journalists didn't say a word. Not a question breathed about the Taliban/Al Qaeda subjugation of women in Afghanistan. Not even a whisper. Damn them to hell. Apparently the Irish Times has decided that women's rights means the provision of therapeutic abortions, and, er, that's it. If the women of Afghanistan wish to have rights to education, freedom, life, a future, why then, they must look to their own devices. They ain't gonna get no help from the Irish Times. Don't get me wrong. The Taliban/Al Qaeda murder little boys, and adult men, and adult women as well in equal numbers. But I just thought the card carrying feminists of the Irish Times might at least have troubled themselves to beard Allah U Akboom in his den on a most poignant women's rights issue of which they are surely aware. Maybe raise the specific case of the two women recently tortured and violated and murdered by the Taliban while a Taliban member working for the Associated Press snapped photos of their violation for worldwide distribution. And these are the scum trying to impeach President Bush. Come back Maggie O'Kane all is forgiven. I gotta tell you. This pair of bitches made Sean Cronin look good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew Brenda Fitzsmons years ago. First of all I would never have considered her a feminist and secondly she's not a Dublin 4 type. She's from Galway. She's a fine photographer with a wicked sense of humour.

9:23 PM  
Blogger heelers said...

Your fine endorsement of the great Fitzsimons would be far more impressive if you weren't ashamed to put your name to it.

1:31 AM  

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