The Heelers Diaries

the fantasy world of ireland's greatest living poet

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Location: Kilcullen (Phone 087 7790766), County Kildare, Ireland

Thursday, January 28, 2010

what it is

I believe the orchestrated campaign by the national broadcaster RTE, The Irish Times, and Independent Newspapers, (along with their hind tit The Daily Mail and the readerless British tabloids,) manipulating old sex abuse allegations against the Catholic church with a view to discrediting church leaders, is nothing more and nothing less than a persecution.
Other generations of Catholics were often asked to die for their faith.
Many Catholics in foreign countries still face martyrdom.
The choice for us in Ireland has been much softer.
We aren't being asked to die.
We're just being asked to endure ridicule, humiliation and a culture of lies.
And if we'll only stay silent while the media takes down their selected targets, why it's possible to live quite happy lives as our country self destructs around us.
The challenge to us is to spurn the powerful fakirs of media, politics and the judiciary, and to expose their pious bastardy for what it is.
RTE, The Irish Times and Independent Newspapers have used a contrived report by a liberal atheistic feminist styling herself Judge Yvonne Murphy, into decades old sex abuse cases, to bring about the resignation of Bishops who have never in their lives done anything wrong.
Their only crime was not to handle sex abuse cases thirty years ago, in a manner in which Yvonne Murphy claims she would like to see them handled today.
These Bishops are decent men being vilified for the delectation of scoundrels.
Yvonne Murphy's report falsely attachs the label of "cover up" to the actions of these Bishops.
This is the key to the present persecution.
In the past, oppressors normally tortured and murdered Bishops.
Yvonne Murphy and her friends are much too clever for that.
Their tortures and their murders are the torture and murder of reputations.
The present campaign to label Bishops as concealers of sex abuse is just as malign and more grotesque than anything the Nazis or the Commies ever did.
The humiliation is diabolical.
Diabolical Yvonne.
You heard me.
Sex abuse is merely a Trojan Horse for RTE, The Irish Times, and Independent Newspapers, in a war they were already waging against the faith of our fathers.
It is a war being led by shadowy members of the judiciary, Judges, Barristers, Lawyers, and by their political allies, who wish to create a social dictatorship in Ireland.
Their agenda for abortion, contraceptive culture, euthanasia and divorce, could never move forward as long as the Catholic Church was available to the people as a platform for cultural influence.
For the liberals' dreams of atheistic power, the church had to be broken.
That's what this war is about.
Not sex abuse.
Sex abuse is just a tool for them.
If RTE, The Irish Times and Independent Newspapers had sincerely cared about sex abuse victims they would have been concerned about the 99.99 percent of victims who were not abused by supposedly clerical or religious people and who rarely if ever figure in newspaper or television reports.
In deliberately obscuring the fact that 99.99 percent of the most serious sex abuse victims are assaulted in family homes, by hiding this veritable maelstrom of abuse from the general public, RTE, Independent Newspapers, The Irish Times, Judge Yvonne Murphy, wealthy lawyer Pearse Mehigan who represents a supposed victims group styling itself One In Four, and all the great heroes of the liberal atheistic jihad against the church, all of them I say, all of them have committed the worst crimes of which they have accused any Bishop.
They have concealed sex abuse.
The media and its allies have turned truth on its head in order to conceal the extent and nature of sex abuse throughout our society.
They have done so with malign intent.
I'm saying they did it on purpose.
Someday they will answer to heaven for the lies they've told.
Here is the news.
No family in Ireland is untouched by sex abuse.
Every family in Ireland has sought to be discrete in some measure as to how it handled such cases.
If we take Yvonne Murphy's arbitrarily invented standard for disclosure which she has applied to the Bishops she wished to criminalise, that same standard would put every householder, every hospital manager, every business person, in Ireland in the dock.
Including, I would venture, a good few whose last names are Murphy.
As for the same three abuse victims who have been perpetually recycled on air at RTE, it seems a little strange to me that RTE can only find three willing to consistently jump through hoops in condemning the Catholic Church.
But what a privilege it is for me to finance RTE's anti Catholic propaganda through compulsory taxation in the form of a television licence fee.
By the unjust contrived Stalinist laws of Ireland, I am forced to finance the television station run by people trying to destroy my church and yet I am not allowed to set up a television station of my own to compete with it.
Mother Ireland you're rarin them yet.
Did I say Stalinist?
Not fair.
Joe Stalin would be ashamed of you.
Do the liberal atheists of the Judiciary, the political sphere, RTE, Independent Newspapers and the Irish Times really think they'll get away with this forever?
No persecutor in history gets away with it forever.
And still the same three sex abuse victims pop up time after time on RTE.
My own assessment of them is this: If a sex abuse victim helps the Nazis, that sex abuse victim is still a Nazi. Maybe a Nazi with a good excuse. But still a Nazi.
I have also been deeply disquieted by the curiously appeaserish attitude of Archbishop Diarmuid Martin who is some sort of titular head of Catholicism in the region.
His attitude seems to me to be geared towards appeasing the persecutors of the church rather than recognising the reality of the unfolding persecution.
I was interested to discover that Archbishop Diarmuid Martin is a brother of former Irish Times political correspondent Seamus Martin.
There's a man with connections.
I have noted here that Seamus Martin in his writings for the Irish Times effectively spent the Cold War rooting for the Russians.
I have suggested that Seamus Martin may have had closer and more direct links with Communist Russia via the old KGB which was running several Irish Times staffers as agents up until 1988 and probably longer.
If Archbishop Diarmuid Martin shares his brothers sympathies, it would explain a lot.
When you look for communist infiltrators, gentle readers, the tradecraft rule is to look for the ones with communist links.
They won't be invisible.
His brother Seamus is one big fart filled communist link for Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.
Is Diarmuid Martin himself a commie who has found his way into a plum Catholic Church job in Ireland?
It wouldn't be the first time that a Communist infiltrator found senior office in the Catholic church.
The Poles were a whisker from appointing a communist agent as Cardinal last year before he was unmasked.
Shit happens.
The fact that a significant number of Polish Padres wanted the appointment to go ahead, suggests to me that shit happens quite often.
Diarmuid Martin's practice of leaking stories to the Irish Times is coming into perspective.
My advice to people of goodwill is not to wait for leadership, courage or guidance from Diarmuid Martin.
He is never going to defy the media and judicial manipulators who currently besiege our faith.
That's not his bag.
He's one of them.
You know this persecution of the church, by agents without and within, has by no means reached its zenith.
Somebody said to me recently: "Oh if only the Bishops would just go, all this would stop."
I replied a tad darkly: "No persecutor in history every stopped because his victims gave in to him."
This persecution started with humiliation.
The murders will come next.
And remember gentle readers of the internet.
Remember who is judging the Bishops.
Judge Yvonne Murphy and her friends.
All pulling in hundred thousand dollar salaries.
A few lifetimes wages for every year of work they claim to do.
With no accountability to the public.
Judges found accessing child pornography on their computers are found not guilty by other Judges because the police enacted the search warrant a day late.
Hilarious no.
These are the same Judges who released Gerald Barry, to kill, kill, rape, rape, rape, blind a pensioner, rape, and kill again.
These are the same Judges who found Nurse Mulholland guilty of something they called Causing Actual Bodily, when she had in fact murdered at least two people at Naas hospital.
These are the same Judges who sentenced Wayne O'Donoghue to four years when Wayne O'Donoghue raped and murdered a little boy called Robert Holohan.
Judge Liberal and Defence Lawyer Liberal, and the infamous Deputy of Public Prosecutions James Hamilton, didn't allow the jury to hear evidence that Wayne O'Donoghue's semen had been found on the murdered little boy.
That's some child abuse Judge Liberal.
Right there.
I'm not talking about O'Donoghue's actions.
I'm talking about yours.
Worse than anything we could lay at the door of the Bishops.
I'm talking about your actions Judge Liberal in sentencing a child abusing murdering coward like Wayne O'Donoghue to four years.
Worse than O'Donoghue's actions.
I'm calling you a child abuser Judge Liberal.
And an abuser of families.
And an abuser of the law.
So Judge Liberal sentenced Wayne O'Donoghue to four years for something Judge Liberal called manslaughter.
Wayne O'Donoghue served a year and a half.
He's currently loose and attending college in England where by all accounts he's having a whale of a time.
Judge Liberal also continues to have a whale of a time.
But his hour is coming to an end.


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