the super soaraway phone tapping police bribing politician subverting naked lady publishing jimmy savile slandering rupert murdock owned sun newspaper's campaign against cyber bullying
The Sun Newspaper, has no credibility for its self styled campaign against internet bullying.
The Sun Newspaper is the most arbitrarily bigotedly bullyingly virulent casually slanderous destroyer of people and people's reputations in Western Europe.
The Sun Newspaper, like the Irish Independent and the Daily Mail who are engaged in similar self promoting corporate image anti campaigns,is running its anti internet bullying campaign merely because it wishes to promote censorship of the internet whose untramelled freedom of speech it regards as a threat to its own business model.
Footnote: If any gentle readers agree with me on these matters and wish to withdraw their consent from what the Sun and the other morally and financially bankrupt media groups have been doing to Jimmy Savile et al, you should stop allowing Rupert Murdock to take monthly deductions from your bank accounts to pay Sky Television's worthless subscription fees. Cancel your subscriptions to Rupert Murdock's Sky Channel. That'll get their attention. They'll feel that. Everything else is just talk.
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