the dead have risen and are voting sinn fein rte's election coverage in ireland as simpsons homage
All day we've been listening to reports on the Irish national fraudcaster RTE and other media outlets that Sinn Fein has won the election in Ireland.
These reports are of course nonsense.
The IRA's political proxies Sinn Fein have won nothing.
They look set to occupy a mere 35 seats in a parliament of 160.
It's not exactly a landslide victory is it.
It's not exactly a landslide victory is it.
I'm closer to being Prime Minister myself than any of that shower of mafiosi finger nail pulling scum.
I mean I don't want to go casting no aspoyshuns.
I mean I don't want to go casting no aspoyshuns.
The media are telling us that 25 percent of the electorate have voted for Sinn Fein.
This figure is deliberately deceptive.
The eligible Irish electorate is estimated at 3.5 million.
Some 40 percent of the Irish electorate withheld their votes.
That's forty people in every hundred who did not support any political party, never mind the drug dealing, people trafficking, bank robbing, child abusing IRA mafia's proxies Sinn Fein.
More explicitly, a total of 1.4 million eligible voters expressed their repugnance for the abortionist mainstream parties and the IRA's proxies Sinn Fein by not giving any of them a vote.
Sinn Fein's real share of electoral support is about 15 percent of the overall electorate.
Slightly less impressive than 25 percent, eh!
Not a quarter of the population.
More like one in ten.
The 25 percent jerrymandering figure is only possible by excluding any mention of those 40 percent of citizens who registered their protest by not voting for any of the above.
A measly 15 percent of the electorate voting Sinn Fein, is what today the IRA infiltrators at RTE, the Irish Times, and elsewhere are describing as a surge, a landslide, a quantum shift in Irish politics.
As I've said already. Sinn Fein will win about 35 seats in a parliament of 160.
That is not a surge or a landslide or even vaguely a victory in anyone's lexicon outside of the Communist International and North Korea.
The abortionists of Fine Gael are also having their voter share sympathetically and artificially inflated by RTE, whose commentators claim Fine Gael has 20 percent electoral support.
The fiction of Fine Gael at 20 percent is again arrived at by failing to mention the forty percent of the overall voting population who chose not to vote.
The leftist media is anxious to prevent any broad awareness of public alienation from the mainstream parties because the media itself has championed the same abortion policies that have alienated the electorate.
By the way Fine Gael's real voter share is a paltry ten percent.
The real figure of support for Fine Gael has fallen to about ten percent not because of any of the purely notional housing and health and climate change and i want my pay rise fooboon crises beloved of the media, but because Fine Gael during the past decade in government legalised abortion having promised not to legalise abortion, then deemed mutural masturbation between people of the same gender to be marriage, then mandated the Health Service Executive to perform mutilating sex change operations on children and adults, then taxed the bejabers out of the citizenry in an attempt to control the weather no less while bribing the State sector trade union movement with ridiculous unsustainable terms and conditions, and then collapsed immigration law.
In protest at the house of clowns of all parties rubber stamping Fine Gael's invidiousness, forty percent of the electorate stayed home.
So it goes.
In contrast to the other two large-ish parties (40 seats our of 160 is not that large, let's face it) the kleptocrats of Fianna Fail have had their vote share deliberately understated on RTE all day with analysts repeatedly and wrongly claiming that Sinn Fein are ahead of them.
Not a quarter of the population.
More like one in ten.
The 25 percent jerrymandering figure is only possible by excluding any mention of those 40 percent of citizens who registered their protest by not voting for any of the above.
A measly 15 percent of the electorate voting Sinn Fein, is what today the IRA infiltrators at RTE, the Irish Times, and elsewhere are describing as a surge, a landslide, a quantum shift in Irish politics.
As I've said already. Sinn Fein will win about 35 seats in a parliament of 160.
That is not a surge or a landslide or even vaguely a victory in anyone's lexicon outside of the Communist International and North Korea.
The abortionists of Fine Gael are also having their voter share sympathetically and artificially inflated by RTE, whose commentators claim Fine Gael has 20 percent electoral support.
The fiction of Fine Gael at 20 percent is again arrived at by failing to mention the forty percent of the overall voting population who chose not to vote.
The leftist media is anxious to prevent any broad awareness of public alienation from the mainstream parties because the media itself has championed the same abortion policies that have alienated the electorate.
By the way Fine Gael's real voter share is a paltry ten percent.
The real figure of support for Fine Gael has fallen to about ten percent not because of any of the purely notional housing and health and climate change and i want my pay rise fooboon crises beloved of the media, but because Fine Gael during the past decade in government legalised abortion having promised not to legalise abortion, then deemed mutural masturbation between people of the same gender to be marriage, then mandated the Health Service Executive to perform mutilating sex change operations on children and adults, then taxed the bejabers out of the citizenry in an attempt to control the weather no less while bribing the State sector trade union movement with ridiculous unsustainable terms and conditions, and then collapsed immigration law.
In protest at the house of clowns of all parties rubber stamping Fine Gael's invidiousness, forty percent of the electorate stayed home.
So it goes.
In contrast to the other two large-ish parties (40 seats our of 160 is not that large, let's face it) the kleptocrats of Fianna Fail have had their vote share deliberately understated on RTE all day with analysts repeatedly and wrongly claiming that Sinn Fein are ahead of them.
Alone among the main parties. Fianna Fail actually are in fact on a real figure of about twenty percent support among the overall electorate.
Fianna Fail will win 46 seats.
Fianna Fail have won this election in as much as anyone can claim to have won it..
Sinn Fein on 35 seats aren't even close.
The final lie being peddled by RTE today is that the young people of Ireland voted Sinn Fein.
This assertion has been trumpeted all day on RTE without any evidence beyond a supposed exit poll at voting stations.
I would suggest it is unlikely that the young people of Ireland have suddenly overnight collectively lost their marbles, their consciences and their intellects.
There is no precedent for it and there is no reason to believe it.
I would suggest that there is however reason to believe that the 500,000 immigrants that the IRA and associated mafias, people trafficked into Ireland over the past two decades are now voting for the IRA's political proxies Sinn Fein.
Fianna Fail will win 46 seats.
Fianna Fail have won this election in as much as anyone can claim to have won it..
Sinn Fein on 35 seats aren't even close.
The final lie being peddled by RTE today is that the young people of Ireland voted Sinn Fein.
This assertion has been trumpeted all day on RTE without any evidence beyond a supposed exit poll at voting stations.
I would suggest it is unlikely that the young people of Ireland have suddenly overnight collectively lost their marbles, their consciences and their intellects.
There is no precedent for it and there is no reason to believe it.
I would suggest that there is however reason to believe that the 500,000 immigrants that the IRA and associated mafias, people trafficked into Ireland over the past two decades are now voting for the IRA's political proxies Sinn Fein.
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