Reading a book called From Faith To Faith by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.
It's a book of Bible based meditations, one for each day of the year.
They wrote it back in the 1990s.
As previously mentioned, I'm not too keen on their notion that believing in God is sufficent to guarantee you;ll become cash rich, but I do like some of their preaching and the Bibly bits.
I come to a passage where Kenneth Copeland claims a visionary experience in which God told him: "If they had kicked Al Capone out of Chicago when he was just a small time operator, he wouldn't have been so hard to handle. But they waited until he became a first class criminal with his forces built up around him. Then it took an army to bring him down."
The words spring out for the page whether I believe God said them or not.
The thought behind the passage is eerily similar to what I've been saying to the people of Kilcullen about the Maloneys, the Hutch gang, Kinneavy and the mobsters operating out of the Alke Babish chipper.
They could have been stopped so easily a few years ago.
They could still be stopped.
But in a few years time... how easy will it be to stop them then?
What's at stake?
Look at the inner city of Dublin.
Look what a hell hole they made it.
See how desolate it is.
That's what the Hutch gang did to Dublin and its people before they moved here.
They debased the people, the culture and the city itself with their drug trade.
Do any of you really want this?
Are you all going to surrender?
That won't save you.
Monuments to the victims of gangland are going up all over Ireland.
We shall not see them taken down again in our lifetime.
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