The Heelers Diaries

the fantasy world of ireland's greatest living poet

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Location: Kilcullen (Phone 087 7790766), County Kildare, Ireland

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

alternative universes


Professor Richard Dawkins and his acolytes who have tried to pass off their ideological atheism as science might recognise my feelings about reality today.

Dawkins in particular and Darwinian atheists generally have increasingly taken refuge in what they call Many Worlds Theory in order to make what I deem the bogus mathematics of evolution somehow add up.

The main problem for them is that there is not enough time in recorded time such as we can conceive of it, for their incoherent notion that life began spontaneously by chance, ie that matter came into existence and became alive by itself with no direction from a creator, to happen.

So it didn't happen.

Darwinians now answer this perspective by asserting thusly: Well maybe there are many worlds and many alternative universes that we can't see or measure or experience, and whose invisible unverifiable existence multiplies time and chance exponentially so that there is much much much more time in existence than we can measure or observe or conceive of and in which anything that can happen does happen for no reason whatsoever beyond randomness and in which something absolutely incoherent like life and indeed matter and indeed universes beginning by chance can and actually does happen.

Many Worlds Theory, also know in academia as the Landscape, also known as the Multiverse, is now conventional atheistic science.

I would be pooh poohing it more fulsomely only this week I had the feeling I myself had stumbled into an alternative universe and began to wonder whether Mr Dawkins and his fan bhoys might not be right after all.


I'd gone to visit old Ron Baines who had been rushed to hospital with something called a TIA.

I know TIA stands for trans ischial something.

It can hardly be attack.

What would be the point of naming a stroke with incomprehenisble words like Trans Ischial so as not to scare people and then putting the scariest word in the English language as the final part of the name, ie a monicker that would scare the bejabers out of anyone, like "attack?"

A stroke by any other name would be scary indeed as Shakespeare used to say.

Having heard of Ron Baines' situation, I'd headed into Naas hospital to see if he was receiving visitors and or if he knew what universe we were in.

As I breezed through the front door at the hospital I realised the hospital authorities were probably still in mass psychosis mode over the Corona virus and grabbed a face mask from a pile that had been helpfully left in the foyer beside a sign that screamed helpfully: Face Masks Compulsory In This Building.

At the enquiries desk I resisted the urge to say "You're still at this face mask bullshit are you?" and instead simply enquired as to my friends whereabouts.

"Yes he's here," said the staff member

"Are you allowing visitors or are you still on lockdown?" I asked her.

"No he can receive one visitor at a time," she told me.

"Well there's only one of me," I smiled modestly.

She checked her computer.

"Oh sorry," she said, "he's on the only ward that still actually is on lockdown. He can't have any visitors."

I left.

I wasn't overly pleased.

Following my own experiences of Doctor Andrew Boko Shinagani's malicious criminal malfeasance on the wards here a few years ago, I wouldn't recommend anybody being left alone with staff at Naas hospital. Ditto with Doctor Donaldson at the Vista Clinic. Ditto with Nurse Ruth Ibeabuchi at the Meath and Adelaide hospital, sometimes styled Tallaght hospital.

Visitors do provide a safety net in hospitals where bad things happen routinely. It's harder for Boko, Ruthie and the Donald to murder people on behalf of secret networks of evil like the Black Axe or Insert Name Of Favourite Foreign National Mafia here when they're being watched by the people's relatives.

I mean I don't want to go casting no aspoyshuns.

My critical assessment of Naas hospital is reinforced by a consideration of Nurse Noreen Mulholland's two known torture murders there, that of John Gethings and that of Seamus Doherty, at Naas hospital in 2003 and by the still unexplained death of a patient called Christopher Byrne in an ambulance fire in 2016.

Back to the present.

In the case of my friend Ron Baines, it might be noted that he has issues with absent mindedness which can sometimes become what doctors call dementia or Alzheimers.

One of the few things that anchors him and 90 year olds like him in reality is the capacity to interact with friends and family members whom they know.

Insisting they receive treatment in isolation from clinicians wearing nucear radiation suits and face masks is one sure way to push Ron Baines and people like him into complete mental and physical collapse.

That's where they come up with their fake death tolls for the Covid 19 pandemic.

It's one of the ways they come up with it.

Their vaccines made out of murdered children are also killing people lest we forget.

Alternative universe indeed.


I heard that Doctor Anthony Fauci was resigning from American National Institute of Health.

Fauci created the Covid 19 virus using Chinese Communist Party scientists at a laborator in Wuhan engaging in gain of function research whereby his collaborators in the laboratory took viruses which could not  harm humans and turned them into viruses which could.

He's effectively been in charge of American health policy for fifty years.

An advisor to seven presidents from Reagan onwards, due to the American and indeed international culture of deference to doctors and pseudo scientists, not one American president had the balls or the insight to fire him.

During the Aids crisis from the 1980s onwards he used Aids as an excuse to promote the very lifestyle behaviours which were spreading the disease, that is to say promiscuity and drug use. Mr Fauci's response to Aids was to organise a massive world wide campaign promoting condom culture and clean needles in the mistaken belief that promiscuity an intrinsically unsafe behaviour could be made safe using technology and drug use an equally intrinsically unsafe behaviour could be made safe using improved hygiene.

Mr Fauci at the time wilfully demonised anyone who dared suggest that promiscuity among people of the same masculine gender and drug use were ineherentlly unhealthy practices and had caused the Aids crisis.

His cosy relationship with large pharmaceutical companies amounts to one of the great moral indictments of public health policy in our time.

So now he's resigned.

I've gotta pinch myself to see if I'm dreaming.

For indeed Fauci had been bigger than his political masters.

I thought they wouldn't be able to get rid of Fauci if they rammed a stake through his black heart.

His resignation is due to come into effect in December.

If this isn't an alternative universe perhaps the sun is coming out.


 I had an appointment myself with a certain Doctor Fortescue Smythe. He met me in his office.

"Good, you're wearing a mask," he said.

"You staff told me to," I said.

"Good, good," he said.

"Why would an intelligent man like you be going along with this mass psychosis inducing policty of forcing people to wear face masks that don't work?" I ventured delicately.

"Well James if they work one percent of  the time, don't you think it's worth doing it just for the one percent?" he replied.

Ah yes gentle readers.

What I call the argomento ad bobblehattio.

Which is to say that if some half wit working for a bobble hat manufacturer claimed that bobble hats reduced disease levels in the general population and the government mandated that everyone wear bobble hats in public and private, there would be plenty of gulpens around to argue: "Well bobble hats do reduce disease levels at least one percent of time because they keep your ears warm and they look kind of quirky and one percent is such a low effect claim that no one can refute it for sure, so maybe since we claim they work just one percent of time we should still all wear them all of the time."

I was disinclined to share this perspective with Doctor Fortescue.

"If they work one percent of the time, that means they don't work," I proffered instead. "And the studies show they don't work."

"Well we're both good liberals," he said, "so we can agree to differ."

Well if he was going to get insulting...

I slowly removed my face mask,

"I don't like this," I declared, "and I'm not going to wear it."

I threw the face mask at him.

And somewhere the ghost of Oriana Fallaci was smiling. (She once took off a yashmak or a  hijab or something and threw it into the face of the Ayatollah Khomeini during an interview with him.)

Or maybe it was the ghost of Elaine in Seinfeld (Who once ripped off the character George's wig and threw it out a window with a similar exclamation.)

I see lotsa ghosts.

And maybe in some alternative universe I'll be able to get the ghost of Richard Dawkins to be my doctor.

Imagine it.

Even now some James Healy is being treated on some other plain of reality by some other Doctor Richard Dawkins.

Richard Dawkins is saying: "Mr Healy, I have good news and bad. The bad news is that you've got a fatal illness and are dying. The good news is that in some alternative universe there's a James Healy who is healthy but who is reliant for his medical treatment on an insufferable conformist with a face mask fetish. Let's look on the bright side, shall we."



There was other alternative universe stuff this week. The commentator Mark Steyn on a newish channel styled GB News has actually become quite a good broadcaster. He's morphed. That's what it is. He's morphed or I am in an alternative universe. I always rated him for principles and prosody but I thought broadcasting was not his talent. I was wrong. I may have been occasionally wrong too about the principles for Steyn's principles have become a tad malleable as his presentational skills have improved. Since the arrival of Trump on the political scene Steyn now poses as an opponent of what I consider George Bush's decisive actions in the war on terror and more recently since the pandemic shenanigans was unveiled on the world by Sovietising Statists, Steyn has abandoned his "A dark tragedy is engulfing Italy," schtik at the outset of the supposed pandemic to become an unswerving opponent of lockdowns and vaccines. He's right about the vaccines, wrong to abandon the Bushwhacker. You don't dump Churchill because the election cycle has moved on.

GB News has something going for it. There's a doleful Scot who's nearly as good as Steyn when it comes to insightful commentary and there's Nigel Farage who seems to own the thing.


 Footage of the Prime Minister of Finland Sanna Marin (or Hannah Marin as Mark Steyn calls her) dancing at a party, and looking quite fetching in a louch decline and fall end of the world sort of way, has emerged on the internet.

If Vladimir Putin is thinking of another Winter War in Finland, this won't have discouraged him.

On the other hand if you're free this weekend Sanna Marin, blah, blah, blah, the mayor will have my ass, blah, you junior detectives and your recklessly heroic ways, blah, blah, the mayor, blah, my ass blah, etc etc...


Word comes that Ron Baines daughter tried to visit him at Naas hospital the same day I did. She's the tough one. At one stage she was an accountant for billionaire white collar criminal Denis O'Brien. She knew the way to the doubloon cupboard as they say in the trade. The hospital informed her that her father had contracted Covid 19 on the ward of the hospital and that they had moved him to an isolation ward. So that's where he caught it. On the wards of a locked down hospital where everyone is compelled to wear a dehumanising face mask that clearly doesn't work after having compulsorily ingested untested vaccines made out of aborted babies that also clearly don't work. And that's how the family found out he had it. When they were told: "No. You can't see him." No one was to be allowed to see him. Denis O'Brien's former accountant went ballistic. She was allowed to see him. Most of us can't do what she did. The thug security men at Naas hospital would simply throw us out. Or Doctor Andrew Boko Shingani would murder us. Or the ambulance crew would set us on fire. (See previous articles.) And again gentle travellers of the internet all this is why 90 year old people with dementia have been dying of what the medical services call Covid 19.


Fox News and CNN are today blazoning a statement from something calling himself Tyson Fury warning about knife crime. Come back Ricahrd Dawkins all is forgiven. This has to be an alternative universe. For Tyson Fury is a boxer but more specifically he's an associate of the Kinahan cartel, a Tinker clan gang IRA splinter group who's main business aside from managing Tyson Fury's boxing career, is drug dealing, people trafficking, child abuse, rape, money laundering and extortion. The moral dilemma for the Kinahans vis a vis people carrying knives is that when the Kinahans send a boxer to give someone a beating, and the person produces a knife, it complicates things. The boxers hands are deadly weapons. The knife tends to change the odds a bit. Fox News and CNN need to find more credible figures to speak out against knife crime than pious thugs from the Kinahan gang.


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