the crunch question
Question: Since the beginning of the year, the bankrupt readerless atheistic abortionist Irish Independent newspaper has printed a letter from its own editor, one Cormac Bourke (two Cormac Bourkes would be excessive) splashed across several pages of each daily print edition in which he appeals to the public to subscribe to an equally readerless online edition at a cost of two and a half Euros per week. The letter from Cormac Bourke to his readers is only a couple of lines but it is enlarged to fill the centre point of the two pages that have been devoted to it in every daily edition of the Irish Independent since January. I suppose we might estimate about five people must have read it by now. The nub of it seems to be a challenge to any readers he has to pay him a few shillings for what he calls real journalism. In view of this behaviour, is the new nickname for Irish Indpendent newspaper editor Cormac Bourke going to be:
(a) Spare Change Please Sorr.
(b) Penny for the old Guy.
(c) Gizza job.
Answer: Yes.
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