its a liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal world
Sitting in a Starbucks on Dawson Street.
A man is teaching English to a Spanish girl at an adjoining table.
The following words are audible:
"... today in our more liberal world..."
A little vein on my forehead pulses.
Ah yes.
That old gag.
Liberal indeed.
Our world is not that liberal for unborn babies being morning-aftered in their mothers' wombs or for the elderly being euthanised or for teenagers being hounded to suicide by secret brotherhoods of evil or for children and adults bombarded with sexual imagery and then being offered mutilating sex change operations when they say they are men in womens' bodies.
It's not that liberal for parents bunged into old folks homes by ungrateful offspring.
It's not that liberal for citizens in Irish cities, towns and villages who live under the jackboot of local IRA drug dealing, people trafficking, child abusing, skang gangs.
It's not that liberal for anyone living in countries run by Jihadis.
It's not that liberal for anyone living in countries run by communists.
It's not that liberal for anyone living in countries run by liberals.
The tyranny of liberals is a tyranny no less because it permits... everything.
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