The reason thirty four of our soldiers were killed in Afghanistan last week is because Barack Obama has been trying to fight the entire Afghan conflict as a humanitarian war on hippy dippy principles.
In truth, it's a war he doesn't want to win.
And Barack has been repeating every error in the Bill Clinton playbook of history.
That is to say he's been trying to do exactly what Bill Clinton did in Somalia.
He's been compelling American special forces troops to abseil from helicopters into Taliban Al Qaeda terrorist compounds rather than missiling those compounds into nothing from orbit.
This is needless idiocy.
This is more.
This is reckless endangerment of American troops.
It's faux humanitarianism.
It levels the playing field for our enemies.
It means American soldiers are constantly risking their lives for absolutely no purpose other than to preserve the lives of Taliban Al Qaeda human shields, ie to preserve the lives of the sons and daugthers, mothers and sisters, of the Taliban Al Qaeda terrorists themselves.
This is pure arrant delusionism on Barack's part.
The Taliban and Al Qaeda only have to get lucky once and they kill a sack full of heroes.
It's woeful stuff.
Do you know how many Taliban Al Qaeda compounds American special forces have abseiled into under Barack's orders in recent years?
No less than 2,500.
That's 2500 unnecessary missions.
We cudda levelled the lot of them from thirty miles up.
Instead we sent our heroes into a charnel house.
Into charnel house after charnel house.
Sheer madness.
So it goes.
The Americans keep risking their troops in situations where there is no need.
Why has Barack opted for this Clinton era Somalia style strategy?
I'll tell you why.
Barack is using his special forces operatives in this way, in order to avoid inflicting casualties on the human shields used by the Talban Al Qaeda terror army.
That is to say, Barack is risking our soldiers lives in order to avoid killing any of the sons and daughters, wives and mothers of the Taliban Al Qaeda terrror army.
To invoke a most telling analogy, he's decided not to bomb Hitler's bunker in case he might kill some of the Goebbels children.
And so last week we lost thirty four of the bravest, brightest and best of American heroes.
And afterwards Barack did what he should have done earlier.
He nuked half the Afghan outback from orbit with zero losses to us in order to eliminate the same Taliban Al Qaeda terrorists whom a few days earlier he'd been compelling US special forces soldiers to wantonly hazard their lives to try and capture alive.
Truly he is a blithering idiot.
And his final strategy to ensure defeat in Afghanistan...
He has just promoted the one General who wants to win out of theatre.
General David Petraeus will now be head of the CIA.
Barack never liked him on the battlefield because General Petraeus was incarnate proof that President Bush was right about everything.