The Heelers Diaries

the fantasy world of ireland's greatest living poet

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Location: Kilcullen (Phone 087 7790766), County Kildare, Ireland

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

our television listings



9am. JUDGE JUDY: Belicose New York harridan berates vulnerable people who really want to be on TV.

10am. MURDER SHE WROTE: Jessica discovers that the Covid 19 flu virus was engineered in a Chinese Communist Party laboratory at Wuhan with funding from Doctor Anthony Fauci of the American National Institute of Health. There's an unrealistic side plot about the World Health Organisation forcing people to wear face masks, engage in social distancing (ie standing at least two metres from each other) while ingesting vaccines made out of aborted babies.

11am. MOST HAUNTED: A frighteningly bad television programme.

12 midday. HOW RTE GOT ITS GROOVE BACK: In house documentary about RTE's renewal of its slander war against the Catholic Church. After being caught in 2011 paying an African to frame Father Kevin Reynolds for fathering a child, RTE might have been forgiven for easing off a bit or even for being a tad embarassed about its crass Marxian bigotries. But no. A decade later those lovable IRA proxies in the documentary deparment are back with all new programmes intended to stampede our drugged up debauched peasantry away from the ancient church. This programme looks at RTE's revitalised strategy against the Christian faith part of which inolves slandering dead priests such as Bishop Eamon Casey as they are less likely to sue and, more importantly for the crypto fascists at RTE, lesss able to defend themselve. There will also be a preview of another forthcoming RTE documentary series entitled Stolen, recycling the Magdalen launderies libel, in which the channel tries to persuade the abortion generation of Irish people that they are superior morally to those who came before us. The programme's peculiarly manipulative inuendo laden vilification focusses on past generations provision of adoption procedures for children of single mothers along with their provision of respite care homes for those mothers while ignoring the present generation's solution to all such matters, to wit the industrial scale systematic killing through chemical and surgical abortions of supposedly unwanted children in the womb. RTE are such humanitarians you guys.

1pm. NEWS: (That's enough RTE - Ed note) (Too right it is - James note)