The Heelers Diaries

the fantasy world of ireland's greatest living poet

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Location: Kilcullen (Phone 087 7790766), County Kildare, Ireland

Saturday, October 31, 2020

apologia pro arguments with the television mea

 Glenn Beck: "President Trump has created peace in the Middle East where no one else has. How did he do it?"

James: "He did it by giving F 35s to the United Arab Emirates."


President Emmanuel Macron of France: (Addressing Muslims.) "I understand your anger."

James: "Well that was quick Emmanuel. From 'Fear has changed sides,' to "I understand your anger,' in less than a week."


RTE news reader: "The government says that Covid 19 restrictions will continue..."

James: "You're leading with the Flu? Still? After nine months? How long do you think you can get away with this?"


Friday, October 30, 2020

the masque of the neurotic flu

 On a misty night in the heartland of a principality known as Kildare, a peasant who thought he had seen it all, sitting desolate on a log in a forest glade, was suddenly surprised to see the figure of the Red Death approching him dressed only in the habilements of the grave.

The red death was humming to himself absently: "Beat boy, beat boy, get that perfect beat boy, beat, beat, beat, boy. I got that feeling, that beat boy feeling, that beat boy feeling comes over me."

As he drew nearer, the peasant, a world weary post modern type, beckoned him to sit down.

"What's a skeleton like you doing in a place like this?" the peasant enquired post modernishly.

"I'm stuck here," said the red death. "Your planes aren't flying. Your coppers are stopping people from going from one town to another. The cafes are closed. It's really frustrating. What on earth is going on?"

"You must be the only supernatural embodiment of death who doesn't know," said the peasant. "We live here under the tyranny of a cruel regent called Prince Prospero Chief Medical Officer Tony Holohan. He's used the deadly Covid 19 epidemic as an excuse to forbid us to do anything."

"Bloody hell," said the red death.

"It's the Corona Virus," said the peasant. "We're in lockdown until it passes."

"What's a Lockdown?" said the red death.

"He promises it will only be until the Covid 19 epidemic comes to an end," said the peasant.

"You mean the flu?" said the red death.

"Shush," said the peasant aghast.

"Why shush?" wondered the red death.

"Because you'll get cancelled if you call it that," explained the peasant. "You won't be able to go on  important internet sites like Tritter or Facebook or Youtube."

Suddenly the red death sneezed.

The peasant's eyes widened in terror.

"You're not wearing a surgical mask," he gasped, falling off the log.

"Calm down," said the red death.

"But  you could have the virus," shrieked the peasant.

"I can't really," said the red death. "I'm the supernatural embodiment of bubonic plague. Sometimes I do relief work for rabies when he's on holiday. I can't catch other dieseases."

"But you might be a carrier," screamed the peasant.

"Really, take it easy, that sort of panic can't be good for you," said the red death with concern.

"But we sat closer to each other than two metres," hysteered the peasant histrionically.

"Oh come on," said the red death.

"Look you got some stuff on my sleeve," screeched the peasant.

"It's only a bit of snot," said the red death mollifyingly.

This remark did not have the calming effect one might have expected.

"Get away from me," babbled the peasant, having run out of scream words, and scrambling to his feet.

He began to faff about in a frantic manner, backward and forward, waving his arms, but never leaving the precincts of the glade or the log or the red death.

"Please stop," pleaded the red death now genuinely worried. "That's really irritating. It's as irritating as a lockdown actually. And you'll do yourself an injury in a minute."

But the peasant kept whimpering and gasping and panting and occasionally managing a shriek and running up and down until finally his heart gave out and he slumped to the ground in a dead heap.

"Have it your own way," sighed the red death. "Now I won't get to deliver my classic line to wit: Go to the people and tell them that the hour of their deliverance is at hand."

Meanwhile as the sniffles ravaged the world,  Prince Prospero Chief Medical Officer Tony Holohan, a regent unsurpassed in evil, cruelty and depravity etc etc, decreed that the entire populace should be imprisoned in his castle (by castle he meant the whole territory of the Republic of Ireland) for the duration of an imaginary plague which he insisted was ravaging the land more than he was, and forced to attend a riotous debauch involving every known perversion and a few new ones besides, more precisely every person at the party being compelled to stand two metres from every other person at all times for an indefinite period of months, possibly years, and their every gross sexual excess to be performed while wearing surgical masks, and not touching each other.

It was unholy in its conception, mailicious in its design, and depraved in its execution.

Seeing the distress of his prisoners Prince Prospero Tony Holohan rejoiced with ever more twisted glee in their discomfiture.

"Who can harm me?" he crowed. "While the sniffles and Trump and democracy ravage the world, I am safe here in my castle. Ha, ha, ha."

And he laughed and laughed, a Vincent Price sort of laugh.

When the revel was its height he noticed a strange figure beyond the social distancing dancers who were miming an orgy to no music in his ballroom.

The figure was dressed in the habilements of the grave.

Prince Prospero Tony Holohan ran around the perimetre of the dance floor being careful to keep a full two metres betweeen himself and each of his woefully tortured guests.

At the far side of the ballroom he whirled.

The strange figure was now on the opposite side of the room to him.

There followed some more scuttling around the dance floor, whirling, and acting surprised every time the figure turned out to be on the opposite side again.

For some time Prince Prospero Tony Holohan continued to chase the cowled figure.

For some time it eluded him.

Presently Prince Prospero Tony Holohan fled to his bed chamber.

There the red death was waiting for him.

"The ****ing red death," exclaimed Prince Prospero Tony Holohan. "Who wudda thunk it!"

The words froze on his dead lips.

And outside his castle, nay across the whole world, the sniffles, the common cold, the flu, and advanced clinical neurosis, held illimitable dominion over all.


(With apologies to Edgar Allen Poe. No really, I'm sorry.)

Thursday, October 29, 2020

trump n proletariat

Oh to be able to get ten grand on Trump at two to one.

Oh to have ten grand.

Oh to be able to get Padre Baines to increase the hundred pound bet at even money I have with him on Joe Biden to ten grand.

Clearly I am a man of princple.

My main guiding principle being that I'll bet on anything that moves.

A hundred pound bet is negligible of course.

In pure gamblese it's not a bet at all.

Whoever it's on.


If I had ten grand and could get Padre Baines to up the bet on Joe Biden to five grand still at evens, I could put five grand on Trump with the bookmakers at two to one and then the worst that could happen is I'd break even and if Trump wins I'd make a clear profit of five grand.

What is the point of being an addicted gambler if you don't actually do any gambling.

I mean what is the point.

(cf Mary's little lamb.)

Truly I am in the grip of a soul destroying gambling monster.

I call him Gamblor.

(cf Homer Simpson.)

But oh to have a hundred grand on Trump at two to one and at a stroke wipe out a lifetime of losses.

Nya ha ha  Gee Force, as we say at meetings of Gamblors Anonymous.

(cf Battle Of The Planets.)

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

a short study in post modern cynicism

 "Is Raymond married?" wondered Farmer Jones.

"No." said I.

"But he's got a partner," said he.

"I suppose you might call her a riding partner," quoth me.

"But they are in a relationship," quoth he.

"Yes," said I.

"It's permanent so," said he.

"It's permanent at least until the end of the next ride," I explained.

"A relationship is the same as being married," said Farmer Jones.

"It is if you consider 'until the end of the next ride' as equivalent to till death do us part," said me.

"You're just a cynic," said my friend.

"While Ray is a true romantic," I mused soberly, "in that he.believes one good ride deserves another,"

"They'll stay together," pronounced Farmer Jone confidently.

"They will unless something better comes along," said I superstitiously.

"He loves her," declared the Farmer.,

"Ray is a bit of a traditionalist in these matters," I agreed. "He loves a good ride."

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

holohan's bawls

(Or how I came to stop worrying and love the flu.) 

In the land of Ireland the people were voting

Tony Holohan he had a great plan

Though never elected become Chief Medical Officer

And shut the whole ****ing country down

Six long months I slept in Dublin

Six long months doing nothing at all

Six long months I slept in Dublin

Learning to dance to Holohan's bawls

Prime Minister Micheal Martin: "I stepped out."

Alternating Prime Minister Leo Varadkar: "I stepped in again."

Micheal Martin: "I stepped out."

Leo Varadkar: "And I stepped in."

Michael Martin: "I stepped out."

Leo Varadkar: "And I stepped in again."

Micheal and Leo: "Learning to dance to Holohan's bawls."

Seven long months I slept in Dublin

Seven long months doing nuttin at all

Seven long months I slept in Dublin

Learning to dance to Holohan's bawls

The Gaelers were down to 35 seats

Even with the Failers they couldn't get in

A dozen Greens gave them the numbers

To legalise drugs and making petrol a sin

Eight long months I slept in Dublin

Eight long months doing nothing at all

Eight long months I slept in Dublin

Learning to dance to Holohan's bawls

Leo Varadkar: "I stepped out."

Micheal Martin: "I stepped in again."

Leo Varadkar: "I stepped out."

Micheal Martin: "And I stepped in."

Micheal Martin: "I stepped out."

Leo Varadkar: "And I stepped in again."

Leo and Micheal: "Learning to dance to Holohan's bawls."

Nine long months I slept in Dublin

Nine long months doing nothing at all

Nine long months I slept in Dublin

Learning to dance to Holohan's bawls

The Greens they taxed all cars from existence

You had to drive a hair dryer to work

Sinn Fein and the Rah had clockwork machine guns

All because of those Green Party jerks

Ten long months I slept in Dublin

Ten long months doing nuttin at all

Ten long months I slept in Dublin

Learning to dance to Holohan's bawls

Micheal Martin: "I stepped out."

Leo Varadkar: "And I stepped in again."

Micheal: "I stepped out."

Leo: "And I stepped in."

Micheal: "I stepped out."

Leo: "And I stepped in again."

Micheal and Leo: "Learning to dance to Holohan's bawls."

Chief Medical Officer Tony Holohan

Said shut down the country or else you'll all die

We closed down the shops, the steets and the churches

Freedom and culture as easy as pie

Gaelers and Failers and Greens in the government

Banning the car

Drive a hair dryer to work

Pretending you want to protect the environment

All in the name of twelve Green Party jerks

Eleven  long months I slept in Dublin

Eleven long months doing nuttin at all

Eleven long months I slept in Dublin

Learning to dance to Holohan's bawls

Leo: "I stepped out."

Micheal: "And I stepped in again."

Leo: "I stepped out."

Micheal: "And I stepped in."

Leo: "I stepped out."

Micheal: "And I stepped in again."

Leo and Micheal: "Learning to dance to Holohan's bawls."

Twelve long months I slept in Dublin

Twelve long months doing nothing at all

Twelve long months I slept in Dublin

Learning to dance to Holohan's bawls.

Monday, October 26, 2020

contours of discourse

The boundaries of what is deemed acceptable discussion are fluid and changing.

A few weeks ago I asserted that the American philosopher Doctor David Wood and the Hyde Park orator Miss Hatun Tash were between them, and along with similar like minded commentators on the internet, making Muslim red lines regarding commentary on Islam, utterly irrelevant.

They were I said, effectively revolutionising the formerly artificially repressed context of discussions with Muslims that has prevailed across all our cultures for a thousand years

The artificially repressed context being that Muslims make the rules and Muslims draw up the red lines which must not be transgressed.

By red lines, I mean those issues and considerations which Muslims prevent entering popular discourse through the permanent threat and practice of murder, torture, violence and various other variegated intimations of harm to the person. It is through murder, torture, violence and harm that Muslims prevent anyone from speaking out about the bloodsoaked reality of their history, religion, culture and behaviour.

I suggested essentially that up to now Muslims have prevented widespread frank assessments of the Prophet Muhammed, of the Quran, and of the peaceloving religion of Islam itself, through violence.

David Wood, Hatun Tash and others seemed to me to have shown extraordinary personal courage as well as insight in  defying threats to their personal safety in order to issue their commentaries on Islam.

At the time I wondered how Islam could survive if its implicit threat of violence towards any who comment on it, was taken away.

Up to now cultural silence about the depravities of Islam has prevailed in the declining media groups of the West, in academe and among our pseudo elites.

This acquiescent silence has been bolstered by regular Muslim mass murders in our streets pour encourager les autres, as a little reminder shall we say of what's at stake.

The Muslim murders and totures in Paris in 2015 can seem like a distant memory.

The Muslim bombing of children and adults at a pop concert in Manchester in 2017 can seem similarly far distant.

The Jihdadi truck rammings of crowds of people in the French town of Nice in 2016 killing 86, and in Berlin in the same year killing 12, and in Barcelona Spain in 2017 killing 16, and in New York also in 2017 killing eight people, might for all the consideration they get in public discourse have happened decades ago.

The declining media groups of the West and our political representatives have allowed those things to be forgotten or treated as irrelevant.

Those of us who sought to warn about the Jihad and its roots in the dysfunctions of Islam, are routinely labelled racist.

David Wood and Hatun Tash have changed that, not quite single handedly, but almost.

David Wood and Hatun Tash profess to be Christians but there are similar significant commentators speaking out about the inherent violences of Islam who call themselves atheists. I am thinking of Harris Sultan, Ridevan Eydemir, Sarah Haidar and Abdullah Samir. There are also many Muslims who are concerned about the violence endmic in their culture.

So the discourse isn't static.

Our media groups may be silent or complicit but many ex Muslims and some contemporary Muslims have joined their voices to the warnings about Islam.

Things change.

The fluctuations in discourse are like the shifting of borders on a battlefront.

Free speech, discourse itself, is certainly a battlefront for Jihadists.

But on the internet and in the streets, more people are speaking out as never before about the dysfunctions which they believe are inherent to Islamic culture.

Even in the atrophied politically anodyne leftist West at the rarified upper reaches of our societies, some politicians are becoming less delicate about the matter.

Yes, the boundaries of discourse are shifting.

It has been my opinion for some time that David Wood and Hatun Tash are risking their lives in subjecting Islam and its Prophet to long overdue public scrutiny.

Do the rest of us have a duty to join them?

There is a dilemma.

I do not approve of Muslim attempts to terrorise or kill David Wood or Hatun Tash or anyone else commenting on Islam.

I do not approve of calculated insults to the Prophet Mohammed or the Quran.

I do not approve of Muslim thuggery.

What to do?

Mr Wood after certain provocations directed towards him (involving a Muslim debater calling himself Mohammed Hijab who posted a photo of David Wood's wife on his website) ate a page of the Quran live on air during an internet broadcast. Hatun Tash regularly holds up cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed featuring the very representations of the Prophet that Muslims commit murder to prevent being seen.

This part of David Wood's and Hatun Tash's advocacy does not appeal to me although their courage and defiance of red lines does.

Truly the rules of the game are changing.

We see the empire of Islam attempting to strike back, to get the Jinn back in the bottle as it were.

Flailing wildly you might say to reassert the delineation of discourse by terror.

Samuel Paty a teacher who showed his students cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed during a class on Free Speech, was beheaded last week in the streets of Paris by Muslims seeking to reassert the red line notion that no criticism may be made of the Prophet Muhammed.

This attempt to reassert Islamist red lines has indeed altered the contours of discourse but  not in the way its Muslim perpetrators had hoped.

Instead of being cowed, the French have hardened their hearts against the tide of Jihad that has engulfed their formerly appeaserish nation.

I have seen signs of this among the French since the still unexplained torching of the Cathedrale De Notre Dame last year.

Following the beheading of Samuel Paty, French President Emanuel Macron announced grimly: "Fear has changed sides."

This is the frankest threat any political leader in Western Europe has ever made to the Jihadis in our lifetime for they regard fear as their sole preserve and primary weapon.

Turkey's sabre rattling Muslim Brotherhood President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, breaking a number of diplomatic protocols, immediately accused President Macron of having mental problems. He did not trouble himself with any half hearted condemnations of the beheading of Samuel Paty by Erdogan's fellow Muslims.

Mr Erdogan is a busy man. He made his remarks about the French President's sanity while still fresh from his adventures this month instigating a new war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and after sending Turkish warships to threaten Greece no less over mineral rights in the Mediterranean, and while balancing these activities mind you, with his ongoing sponsorship of a side in the civil war in Libya, and while perhaps still recovering from his failed attempts throughout the past decade to project Turkish power into Syria and Iraq via the Muslim Brotherhood franchisees Al Qaeda and Isis, and their recently defunct Caliphate.

With Macron speaking out and the French people awakening from a half century of stupor, and even Ex Muslims joining their voices to those warning about Islam, we could have been forgiven gentle travellers of the internet for hoping that the tide may be turning at last against Jihadism and against any red line limitations imposed by Jihadis on free speech.

But news has come that David Wood has been warned by the FBI that there is a threat to his life.

And this evening in London an unidentified assailant lunged from the crowd at Hyde Park and attacked Hatun Tash.

The Islamists are getting desperate.

Their world is passing away.

Its death throes, if the Jihadis in our streets and the adventurism of Erdogan are anything to go by, will be bloody.

For all of us.