if i was trendy and stylish and drove an audi
i'd dine with scarlet traitors at sky news
and jeer at sarah palin for saying boy howdy
and intone with mock portentousness the news
of more of our soldiers dying in afghanistan and iraq
useless wars poor young chaps
i knew their fathers well
yes we've lost heavily in this last scrap
if only president bush had never unleashed hell
and if only tony blair had avoided playing his part
when the muslims unfurled their banners on the world
but bush and blair they lied from the very start
their justification for war was really quite absurd
if i say it enough perhaps it will be true
my friends in the bbc keep talking about sexed up dossiers
we make the charges stick by reciting em till we're blue
yes we all must play our part as formal nol prossers
in convincing the british people this war can't be won
our soldiers dying really breaks my heart
i shed a tear for every mother's son
and i care about the muslims too our soldiers killed
they did not deserve to be our victims
they were all peace loving children or civilians
not a terrorist among em
oh dear i think i've got chilblains
how dare president bush fight back he had no right
to retaliate across international borders
who was he to forbid saddam hussein his nukes
just who do they think they are giving muslims orders
our american friends make me want to puke
or appoint another high falutin enquiry
one or other of our enquiries will get them in the end
for we must bring bush and blair to book
for all the blood they've spilled
the pair of thumping crooks
how sad that they forced glum heroes to die for england
or whatever they've been dying for
whilst i've been busy with my glittering media career
and dining with carruthers at covent garden
and when the war is over
and our society has been subsumed into the caliphate
i'll suddenly realise i wasn't an atheist or a communist all along
and convert to the peace loving religion of islam
it's more realistic than other religions at any rate
and it makes things simpler not to have to think for oneself
i will die peaceful having righted every wrong
oh who will buy my lovely country
it's going for a song