The Heelers Diaries

the fantasy world of ireland's greatest living poet

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Location: Kilcullen (Phone 087 7790766), County Kildare, Ireland

Saturday, February 27, 2021

storms in tea cups caused by climate change experts agree or by the confederacy of dunces


"Did you read broadcaster Brian Byrne's website today?"

"Well I don't normally admit to reading it."

"He has a photo of a trader's premises with a sign in the window saying Vaccines Save Lives. Come on. Did you see it?"

I sighed deeply like a heffalump in pain.

"Alright I saw it. You know I can't help thinking that if our atheistic abortionist contraceptivist divorcenik transgenderist government told people to eat dog shite, Brian Byrne would be out there in the street with a spoon leading the way."

field of flowers


the armoured car trundled

through shadows thrown

by cathartic mankind

and the gathering gloom

the sergeant clicked his teeth

fate weaved at the loom

and the General caught his breath

at the countryside made beautiful

even in the death

of the departing daylight

(the sun god is dying)

even now he felt the old doubts

and tried to understand

and felt a tear for trying

who is fit to say

who to live

and who to die

the question creased the General's brow

and the armoured car turned west to Beal Na Blath

closing scene from where eagles dare

(Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood have just rescued General Carneby from the Schloss Adler, in the process more or less single handedly wiping out the German army's 12th SS Alpen Corps. Afterwards the reconstituted Alpen Corps will change their name to Cornflakes Corps and thereby become much more difficult to outwit in daring two man commando operations. The name Cornflakes Corps will also prove effective in lulling the Britishers into a false sense of breakfast. But we only learn this in the sequel. Having rescued General Carneby, Richard and Clint make a rendezvous with an allied plane and are flying home over Occupied France. The French are occupied as usual with winning the World Cup, obsessing about their fashion sense, electing coffee shop boulevardiers as President, and giving citizenship to Jihadis. France is not actually under occupation. Unless you count the Jihadis. Which some of you still don't. Yet. Also in the plane are Mary Ure and another good looking actress from the 1960's. Birgitta something. No. Not Birgitta. Mary Ure and, and, and what? Mary Something Else? Ah this will really drive me mad.  Our heroes are sitting grimly in the cargo hold of the rescue plane. Colonel Fortescue has flown with the plane from London to meet them. Clearly the Third Reich should reconsider its open skies policy.)

Richard Burton: "There's one other thing Colonel."

Colonel Fortescue: "Oh yes?"

Richard: "When I showed SS Colonel Kramer the name in my notebook which I pretended was the top German agent in London, he accepted it without hesitation."

Colonel Fortescue: "And whose name was that Major?"

Richard: "Yours Colonel."

Colonel Fortescue: "Oh Focque."

Richard: "This whole operation was in fact staged just to unmask you."

Colonel Fortescue: "Double Focque."

FX: "Kerschick," as Colonel Fortescue does something to his machine gun to make a dramatic kerschick sound preparatory to firing it.

Richard: "And your machine gun is loaded with blanks."

Colonel Fortescue: "Treble Focque. That's really the last straw. I knew I should have stayed home from work today."

Richard: "Yes Colonel."

Colonel Fortescue: "Look, I can explain."

Richard: "Give it up Colonel."

Colonel Fortescue: "No really. Listen. Funny story really. I've got a pen friend in the Gestapo. We've been in touch since childhood. All thoroughly above board."

Richard: "You're finished Colonel."

Colonel Fortescue: "Have I got a choice?"

Richard: "If you want it."

Colonel Fortescue: "Thank you Major. The thought of a trial. The exposure. The shame."

Richard: "Yes Colonel."

Colonel Fortescue: "You like saying Yes Colonel with that strange almost Shakespearian significance, don't you?"

Richard: "Yes Colonel. It's called acting."

Colonel Fortescue: "So anyway, since you're giving me a choice. I'll have a nice cup of tea please."

Richard: "Sorry Colonel. We mustn't cheat the hangman. He may want to have a cup of tea with you too."

Colonel Fortescue: "Quadruple focque! So what's my choice?"

Richard: "You can jump out of the plane now."

Colonel Fortescue: "Quintuple focque. Ho hum. Well I'll be on my way." (Moves to the cargo bay door, lifts a parachute from the bench.)

Richard: "Ah ah. Leave that."

Colonel Fortescue: "Oh. Oh. Oh. So when you said I had a choice you meant I can jump out of the plane without a parachute.

Richard: "Yes Colonel."

Colonel Fortescue: "Sextuple focque. Thanks a focquing bunch."

Richard: "You're welcome Colonel."

Colonel Fortescue: "Can I please take a parachute?"

Richard: "No Colonel."

(Colonel Fortescue jumps from the plane.)

Colonel Fortescue's voice: (From outside the plane.) "Septuple focque... Aiieeeeiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghh."

(FX sound: Splat.)

Clint closes the door of the aeroplane. One of the good looking actresses goes to cuddle Richard. I think it's Mary Ure. No it was the other one. Richard would never have cuddled Mary Ure because of the louche vampire films.)

Clint: (Drily.) "The sooner I make Dirty Harry the better."

Ingrid Pitt: "Actually it was me in the louche vampire films. Mary Ure was quite a serious actress. And it was Mary Ure that Richard cuddled."

FX: (Coolo music kicks in.) "Tukka tukka tuk. Tukka, tukka, tuk. Ner ner ner, ner ner ner nerdle ner. Ner ner ner nerdle ner. Ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ner, Tukka tuk, etc etc."

Friday, February 26, 2021

the little old corona virus from pasadena


"What do you think of all these lockdowns, James?"

"I'm sceptical enough. This is a respiratory virus. We've never been able to control one before whether it's the flu or the common cold. I've a feeling it's going through the general population regardless of lockdowns. The infection rate climbs whenever they test a bit more. It falls whenever they do fewer tests. It climbs again whenever there's a publicity campaign which panics more people into having tests. It falls when people calm down. The death rate has been substantially faked. We know it has. The complicit media (complicit because of the money government is paying them to toe the line, and complicit through their own moral and intellectual incompetence) simply have made no scandal about the artificial inflation of death tolls which they continue to publish uncritically. And a large number of elderly deaths have taken place because of the unnecessary and inhumane faux safety procedures used in treating them. Incarcerating ninety year olds in nursing homes. Not allowing family visitors to see those ninety year olds. Humiliating the ninety year olds and insulting their families. Hospital staff dealing with the ninety year olds wearing masks and radiation suit gear and not furnishing or permitting any compassionate interaction with the ninety year olds from themselves or anyone else. Frankly I think they terrorised a lot of ninety year olds to death with this sort of shenanigans. This is bad stuff. And it's not being reported. The lockdowns policy is coming from somewhere but I'm not sure where or whether there is any real oversight or proper discussion of it. All dissent and serious discussion is silenced through non reportage, deplatforming, or through plain old intimidation. The agenda could be coming from the usual supsects among trans national societal manipulators such as the financier George Soros, or the empire builders at the World Health Organisation, or from the Chinese Communist Party. Our own government is not thinking for itself or making itself accountable to us. Politicians are afraid to express any critique of current health policies because if they do, they know their rivals will accuse them of responsibility for any deaths even vaguely attributable to the virus. Ordinary people are afraid to say what they think and that's not good either. The net result is that we are taking dictation on public health policy from the dimmest lights among us. There are many seriously accomplished and credentialed clinicians, doctors, epidemiologists, and scientists who are not being listened to and who are saying precisely what I'm saying which is that there is no justification for dosing the general public with experimental vaccines that are largely untested. There is no justification for such a policy when most people are not vulnerable to the virus in the first place. But the views of people critical of public health policy on vaccines and lockdowns are not being reported. The fact that the vaccines have either been developed from or tested, on the bodies of babies murdered through abortion, disbars use of those vaccines even if they did appear to work. These monstrous vaccines serve one purpose only and that is to eventually allow governments to relax their unnecessary lockdowns without public loss of face."

Thursday, February 25, 2021


The man in the hospital bed began cursing God.

I lowered my head into my hands.

When he tired of his peroration, the man said to me: "I suppose I'm shocking you."

"The only thing shocking me," I told him, "is that I've said worse and I probably had less excuse."

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


Reading a book called From Faith To Faith by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

It's a book of Bible based meditations, one for each day of the year.

They wrote it back in the 1990s.

As previously mentioned, I'm not too keen on their notion that believing in God is sufficent to guarantee you;ll become cash rich, but I do like some of their preaching and the Bibly bits.

I come to a passage where Kenneth Copeland claims a visionary experience in which God told him: "If they had kicked Al Capone out of Chicago when he was just a small time operator, he wouldn't have been so hard to handle. But they waited until he became a first class criminal with his forces built up around him. Then it took an army to bring him down."

The words spring out for the page whether I believe God said them or not.

The thought behind the passage is eerily similar to what I've been saying to the people of Kilcullen about the Maloneys, the Hutch gang, Kinneavy and the mobsters operating out of the Alke Babish chipper.

They could have been stopped so easily a few years ago.

They could still be stopped.

But in a few years time... how easy will it be to stop them then?

What's at stake?

Look at the inner city of Dublin.

Look what a hell hole they made it.

See how desolate it is.

That's what the Hutch gang did to Dublin and its people before they moved here.

They debased the people, the culture and the city itself with their drug trade.

Do any of you really want this?

Are you all going to surrender?

That won't save you.

Monuments to the victims of gangland are going up all over Ireland.

We shall not see them taken down again in our lifetime.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

live internet question and answer session between kilcullen primary school children and an oxford university scientist who helped develop the corona virus vaccine using the cells of murdered babies

Innocent Charming Moppet Schoolgirl: "So do you kill the unborn babies yourself or does your company just buy their bodies after someone else has killed them?"

Doctor Rowena Mengele: "Er, er, um, eh..."

Director: "Cut, cut, cut."

Sunday, February 21, 2021

ethics for beginners


"I've good news for you."


"I got the vaccine. What do you think about that?"

"I'm devastated."

"It means I'm coming to Ireland to see you."

"I'm happy about that. I'm devastated that you used a vaccine developed by pharmaceutical companies through the cannibalisation of the bodies of murdered children."