Sunny afternoon in Dublin.
I've posited myself at a window seat with a caffe latte afore me, in the Costa Cafe near Trinity College, all the better to ogle the splendid silken clad thighed young ones streeling along outside.
They look not like the creatures of the earth and yet are on't.
Go figure.
There's a couple of anti Catholic Irish Independent newspapers lying on an adjoining table.
My oh my.
They are getting desperate to preserve brand recognition since their sales collapsed, aren't they.
So desperate they're leaving the things in Dublin cafes.
Hilarious, nooo.
I begin to read.
And lo
I come across a column by Paedophile Ian O'Doherty.
And double lo!!
In the midst of a holier than thou rant about an internet user who left racist remarks about a heart attack victim on the Twitter website, Paedophile Ian O'Doherty refers to me in print.
The article itself is headed with a photograph of the young man who posted the racist comments about the heart attack victim on his Twitter accounts.
And treble lo!!!
Paedophile Ian O'Doherty appears to be threatening me.
Here's larks, thinks I.
That's two in one week.
Two worthless pseudo celebrity gits referencing the Heelers Diaries in the space of seven days.
Last week it was Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.
But at least Archie was bright enough not to actually threaten me.
Now it's Paedophile Ian O'Doherty.
Obviously they're both publicity seekers desperately hoping to get a mention on the Heelers Diaries.
Ah yes.
Everyone's tryin to get into the Act.
This is a pickle.
By the way I have referred to Paedophile Ian O'Doherty as Paedophile Ian O'Doherty ever since he falsely maliciously and malignly claimed in the pages of the Irish Independent that the Catholic Church is a paedophile ring.
As I have never failed to point out when using the term Paedophile Ian O'Doherty, clearly the epithet Paedophile has lost its legal meaning in the Republic of Ireland, when a cosmic schmuck like Paedophile Ian O'Doherty can be allowed to falsely, maliciously, and malignly, (and casually and spitefully I might add) apply it to me and a billion other decent people without any consequences to himself.
That was several years ago.
I'm reprinting today's article by Paedophile Ian O'Doherty without permission.
The Irish Independent won't mind as they've been ripping me off since time immemorial.
The article is printed in blue.
His direct references to me are highlighted in red.
My own comments follow below.
See what you think.
With no apparent trace of irony or self awareness, Paedophile Ian O'Doherty begins:
"If there's one thing I really, really, deeply cannot stand (well, there's more than one thing, but bear with me) it's internet trolls.
You know the kind - the craven, cowardly, anonymous fools who hide behind their fake name and say what they like about someone safe in the knowledge that their actions will have no consequences (although the "nameless" blogger who has been repeatedly calling me a paedophile and insulted my wife has an interesting suprise coming his way.).
It's a despicable practice that goes against any sense of honour or natural justice.
After all every journalist and columnist I know works under a simple principle - you don't write anything about somebody that you wouldn't say to their face.
So as much a defender of free speech and the right to be an idiot as I am, I couldn't help but silently smile at the case of English student Liam Stacey, who has been sentenced to eight weeks in jail after he tweeted: "LOL! F**k Muamba he's dead!!!"
It was a typically vicious and nasty piece of trolling and despite his pleas that he was drunk at the time and therefore not responsible for his actions, the judge was having none of it and promptly sent him down on the grounds tha the had outraged public decency.
He started blubbing as he was led away in handcuffs.
But I have a better solution.
The judge should have given him a choice - eight weeks in jail or eight minutes alone with the Bolton players in their dressing room.
I must admit, if I was him, I'd probably take the option of jail."
Brave macho stuff, what!
Some nice stylistic flourishes amid the mean minded dross.
"Diddums," "Cowards," and "Cravens," all plagiarised straight from the Heelers Diaries.
Although I'd never have applied them to a 21 year old kid who was being jailed for writing something stupid about a heart attack victim on his personal Twitter account.
I like my enemies to be a bit more powerful.
And a bit more malign.
Let us leave aside Paedophile Ian O'Doherty's obvious and undignified delight at the incarceration of a young man for writing racist remarks about a heart attack victim.
Let us leave aside Paedophile Ian O'Doherty's self evident approval of Judge Liberal establishing the internet as his new jurisdiction.
Let's leave his morally dubious and embarassingly pious attempt to associate me with any of this mess.
Ah yes.
Let's leave those.
And start with the basics.
His reference to the old mantra from Day One of Journalism School, "Never write anything about anyone that you wouldn't say to their face," strikes a chord.
The only problem is he has absolutely no credibility or authority for saying it.
For Ian O'Doherty is himself the greatest jeering, sneering, leering, plagiaristic pottymouth of Irish letters.
His reference claiming I insulted his wife is certainly quite disingenuously poignant.
You'd almost think I'd walked into a bar and spat in her face.
But of course I've never written about, spoken to, or believed in the existence of Paedophile Ian O'Doherty's wife.
I may have made some oblique reference on this blog to a character he had introduced in his own plagiaristic salacious sneering humour column but no one could have guessed that his writing about this character was based on a real person.
So somewhere in fallen womanhood an individual has been found willing to troth her plight to Ian O'Doherty.
The sisterhood is really coming asunder.
Say it ain't so, Germaine, say it ain't so.
It is indeed an egregious falsehood for Paedophile Ian O'Doherty to refer to me as an "anonymous" blogger, even if he did put the word "anonymous" in inverted commas.
I print my name, address, email address, and phone number on my blog and always have done so.
None of my comments or analyses are anonymous.
In fact it is hard to think of anyone being less anonymous than me, with or without the inverted commas.
It is also odd that Paeds O'Doherty, (I call him Paeds when I get tired of printing his full title Paedophile Ian O'Doherty) should sneer at bloggers who do choose to remain anonymous.
For Paeds (see explanation above about saving space on using his full title Paedophile Ian O'Doherty) was himself in the habit of remaining anonymous when he had a public access blog called Puppylands.
His blog carried no possible clue as to his identity.
Yet today we find him sneering with strange high sensitivity at me and other bloggers, whom he likens to an anonymous youth who was posting comments about a heart attack victim on a twitter account.
Paedophile Ian O'Doherty likens me to what he calls this "trolling" racist.
I ask you gentle readers.
Can my attempts to speak truth to power, attempts to confront corrupt governments, corrupt businessmen, corrupt cops, attempts it must be said again that were never anonymous and often not without risk to myself, can these valiant attempts to say the unsayable about the coterie of unaccountable Marxian atheists ruling Ireland from the shadows of the unCivil Service, reducing the Irish people to the level of farm animals in order to bail out idiot gangster banks owned by their criminal friends, while viciously and falsely labelling our ancient beautiful and true Catholic Church and the generations that came before us as child abusers, can my attempts to name the usurpers of our nation, the confederacy of neo feudal dunces, the Albert Reynoldses, the Brian Cowans, the Tony O'Reillys, the Judge DeValeras, the Michael Lowrys, the Mick Wallaces, the Monica Leeches, the Donal Kinsellas, the Sean Quinns, the Drumm family, the McCarthy Dundon rackateers, the Thomas Crosbies, the Brian Lenihans, the Denis O'Briens, and the Paedophile Ian O'Dohertys, can my courageous and noble service to the immortal tribes of Ireland, can all this, be so cavalierly and glibly dismissed, by an amateur plagiaristic Independent Newspapers pipsqueak, dismissed I say by a veritable moral clown with a toss of his head, dismissed, heavens to murgatroyd, by an impious clueless cretin, as just another example of mindless hatefilled internet trolling?
I ask you!
And I answer you.
No by God.
No, nay, never, no more.
My work and my witness and my sacrifice for Ireland cannot be dismissed in this way.
And then Paedophile Ian O'Doherty claims I'm about to receive a surprise.
It all sounds like a threat, doesn't it.
So Paedophile Ian O'Doherty, a man writing for a newspaper which claims to have a million readers a day, is making unspecified threats in print to a man with a blog that has about twenty readers a day, half of whom are googlebots, and the other half Jihadis.
Bloody hell, as my Uncle Peter used to say.
These are indeed murky waters.
It is also furtherly disingenuous for Paedophile Ian O'Doherty, to come over all wounded and innocent, as he claims withou elaboration and completely out of context that I called him a paedophile.
I have never suggested that Paedophile Ian O'Doherty had sex with children.
I have suggested that Paedophile Ian O'Doherty's own malicious labelling of innocent Catholic people as paedophiles in his newspaper column must mean that the word can now be used randomly to label him.
I always point out when referring to Paedophile Ian O'Doherty that I call him Paedophile Ian O'Doherty because he falsely, maliciously and malignly claimed in the pages of the anti Catholic Irish Independent newspaper that the Catholic Church is itself a paedophile ring.
I always explain when referring to him as Paedophile Ian O'Doherty that I am using the same word for him that he casually applied to a billion decent, honorable, holy and heroic people.
Yet today we find a very truncated reference to me in Paedophile Ian O'Doherty's newspaper column plaintively suggesting that I had randomly asserted he is a paedophile.
Hoo baby.
There's evil business afoot up at t'old mill.
Although Paedophile Ian O'Doherty doesn't name me in his column, any one of his supposedly million readers a day, could identify me readily from what he wrote simply by doing an internet google search on the terms he uses.
So it seem to me that Paedophile Ian O'Doherty has today attempted to liken me to the anonymous young racist who slandered a dying heart attack victim.
And he has attempted to besmirch my already fairly besmirched reputation by suggesting I callously and invidiously called him a paedophile.
Dear oh dear.
And in writing about this matter, Paedophile Ian O'Doherty has used words from my own lexicon, to wit "cowardly and craven," the very words I used to describe his false, mailicious and malign statement in the pages of the Irish Independent, where he mendaciously attempted to label the Catholic Church a paedophile ring.
Paedophile Ian O'Doherty is indeed a coward and a craven.
The only reason Paedophile Ian O'Doherty dared to commit such hate speech to paper in falsely maliciously and malignly claiming that my church, the Catholic Church, is a paedophile ring, the only reason the craven coward did it I say, is because he had full permission from his employers and obviously the poor goon and the idiots who employ him actually believed everyone in Ireland was saying the same thing.
Now both he and his employers have discovered to their immense chagrin, that four million Catholics in Ireland, wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
In truth Paedophile Ian O'Doherty, a career sneerer, a clype, a gyke, a hound, a veteran peddlar of hate speech, is not really offended by my blog or anyone else's blog.
We bloggers are a world away from anonymous racists ranting on twitter accounts about heart attack victims.
We bloggers are a real and present danger to the collapsing newspaper group which employs Paedophile Ian O'Doherty and which has enabled Paedophile Ian O'Doherty to claim in print falsely maliciously and malignly that the Catholic Church is a paedophile ring.
Paedophile Ian O'Doherty knows full well that if I hadn't continued to point out the destruction of law implicit in the decision of his employers to print without retraction or apology his vicious mendacious lies about the Catholic Church, wherein he falsely maliciously and malignly claimed the Catholic Church was a paedophile ring, he knows full well I tells ee, that the whole thing would have been allowed to sink out of sight with absolutely no accountability for him and his employers after their casual incitement to hatred against a quarter of the population of the planet earth.
Get this.
His employers never required him to print so much as a vague retraction.
He has been allowed to slander with casually cretinous hate speech, veritably billions of people at a stroke.
And with no consequences to himself.
Naturally at the time, I concluded that the law regarding the word paedophile had ceased to function in the Republic of Ireland.
And naturally thereafter I have chosen to apply that word to Paedophile Ian O'Doherty whenever the mood took me.
I gotta tell you gentle travellers of the internet.
I've had a blast.
Now remember.
Anything Paedophile Ian O'Doherty has written about me and other bloggers, he's written with the express permission of these aforementioned employers the oleaginous O'Reilly Family, owners of Independent newspapers.
All the bankrupt newspaper barons are terrified of the blogs.
The bankrupt newspaper barons, the Judge Liberals, Ireland's corrupt kleptocratic policians, the Chinese Communist Party, the Islamic Republic of Iran, et al. (Particularly Al, I hate him.)
They're all terrified.
They're terrified because we bloggers can speak our minds without the intervention of an editor, or a member of the O'Reilly family, or a Judge Liberal, or the Chinese Communist Government, or the Islamic Republic of Iran.
All of these are desperate to control, or censor, or hijack the internet.
And they're desperate to create case law, precedent, to facilitate their takeover of the blogosphere.
Listen to me.
The internet is not the last bastion of free speech.
It is the first ever true bastion of free speech in the history of humanity.
And that's what Ian O'Doherty's implied threat and attempt to libel me is all about.
Naughty, naughty very naughty.
All this will be thrashed out in open court of course.
I should be all right as long as I don't get Judge Eamon DeValera.
Or Judge Leonie Reynolds.
Or Judge Desmond Zaidan.
Or any politically appointed Judges placed on the bench by the corrupt kleptocratic Fianna Fail Party,or the atheistic Marxian Labour Party, or the corrupt kleptocratic atheistic Marxian Fine Gael Party.
Let's face it folks, I'm f----d.
Unless we happen to get the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, or the right wing American Republican Party Presidential candidate Rick Santorum, or the ghost of Pope John Paul The Second, moonlighting as Judges in the Republic of Ireland, I'm really in the sh--.
F'd in the A by Paedophile Ian O'Doherty.
You can write it on my tombstone.