The Heelers Diaries

the fantasy world of ireland's greatest living poet

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Location: Kilcullen (Phone 087 7790766), County Kildare, Ireland

Saturday, August 07, 2021

this week in the vaccine wars

Videos by United States Senator Rand Paul are being pulled by the Youtube corporation. Senator Paul isn't even opposed to the vaccine. He is being censored and deplatformed for saying the vaccine shouldn't be compulsory and for pointing out that the Covid 19 virus was developed in a Chinese Communist Party laboratory at Wuhan with financing provided by Doctor Anthony Fauci of the American National Institute of Health.

Senator Lyndsey Graham of the United States having taken a full treatment of vaccines now finds he has Covid 19. So the bloody poisons don't even work.

The pharmaceutical companies who sell these vaccines are now suggesting that a top up dose may be necessary every six months. So the bloody poisons don't even work. If the top up dose doesn't work (as it won't) the pharmaceutical companies are planning to market dead cats which members of the public will be advised to throw over their shoulders in a graveyard at midnight  while chanting "Warts follow cat," in order to be absolutely safe from the virus.

Let us not forget BBC radio presenter Lisa Shaw (the BBC have already forgotten her) a healthy 44 year old woman with a young child, who was killed by the vaccine in May. So as well as not working, the bloody poisons kill people.

What with the European Union's accelarating Nazification programme and Ireland's seeming acquiescence to it, my week has been a hoot. Some highlights.

On Monday morning I went into Newbridge to collect at the Post Office that stipend known colloquially as unemployment benefit. Everything seemed very quiet for a Monday. A few cafes were open all with the same "You must produce European Union Digital Vaccination Certificate to dine here." signs outside. As I reached the Post Office a dark presentiment cross my mind. I realised that Monday August 3rd was what is colloquially known as a bank holiday. The Post Office was shuttered. I began a streetside declamation of my famous peroration about man's inhumanity to man thusly: "The ****ing Paddy Whacks don't want to work. They've had two years off with the Flu. Is it enough? Oh no. This is a bank holiday so tbey're staying shut in case they might accidentally do something. You ****ing ****s. Get off your arses and work for a living." The peroration went on for some time. Some might detect a certain irony in aspects of the wording.

On Tuesday afternoon I rambled into the Country Kitchen cafe in Newbridge. There was no sign outside. I was not optimistic but I just wanted to check with the famously sceptical manageress whether she had gone along with the new Nazism. "Do I need a passport to eat in this cafe?" The now slightly less famously sceptical manageress said: "I'm sorry but you do. We have no choice." I said: "Et tu Brute? Then falls Heelers."

On Wednesday I sent off some email representations to Kildare County Council, the municipal authority in this region of Ireland, drawing their attention to graffiti on one of the main thoroughfares in the town of Newbridge. The graffiti has been daubed by IRA cell gangs newly based in the area having fled Dublin (having made a right shite of Dublin) and accuses the Irish police force of being synonomous with Britain's intelligence service M15. There are also similar slanders of the Chief of Police Drew Harris. It seems the Rah is attempting to drive a wedge between the Irish people and their police. By nightfall I receive a Kildare County Council email reply presumably from the Litter Warden's Office in Newbridge. The reply has no "Dear Sir," beginning or "Yours faithfully," ending. It is unsigned. It is a two line email and consists in its entirety of the following: "The graffiti you have complained of is on private property. Kildare County Council has not the time or the staff or the money to clear graffiti from private property." Of course gentle travellers of the internet the graffiti I have complained of is on the wall of Kildare County Council's machinery yard in Newbridge. You couldn't make it up. I'm so bemused by this email that I accidentally log on to the broadcaster Brian Byrne's website. And lo! Brian Byrne is reporting government funding, amounting to hundreds of thousands of Man Euros, being sent to Kildare Council... to improve streetscapes no less.

On Thursday, I went into a stationery store and got the woman behind the counter to make ten photocopies of a  little picture I found in a magazine featuring a facemask on a flag pole with the slogan: "You will salute the Covid 19 flag." I'm going to distribute them in public places. The photocopier woman was looking at me strangely. Her look deepened into something stranger than strange when I was about to leave and leaned towards her briefly and conspiratorially to whisper:

"Join the revolution."

Thursday, August 05, 2021

heelers gazetter of the world


(with notes on quaint curios and aspects of particular interest)

The Norfolk Broads: Big breasted English women with distinctive accents.

The Geeks: Pre nerd civilisation in Southern Europe. Believed to have built the Parthenon and other structures with heavy empahsis on columnar features. Later much immitated by the Romans. (See proto nerds.)

Scotland: Home of the haggis. (A girl I went out with in the 1980s.)

Newgrange: Five thousand year old Neolithic tomb in the Boyne valley County Meath, built between 1962 and 1975 by Professor Michael J O'Kelly and his team of stoner dudes from Cork University Department of Archaeology. They finished work on it just in time for the Punk era which is believed to have wiped out the dinosaurs. (Dinosaurs = Members of Academic Faculties who for reasons of integrity, refuse to attribute their recent contructions to purely fictional ancient civilisations.)

The Leochal Cushnie Monument: Three thousand year old neolithic stone circle monument located near Aberdeenshire hilariously revealed last year to have been built by local farmer in the 1990s.

Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain, England: Well who knows. There are some suggestions that Professor Michael J O'Kelly and his stoner dudes from Cork University holidayed here in the 1950s before they began work constructing the five thousand year old megalithic site at Newgrange in Ireland.

Baluchistan: I don't know where this is. But what a great name.

Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch: Bless you.

Taj Mahal: Professor Michael J O'Kelly the Archaeological faculty of Cork University (Stoner dude division) holidayed here in the 1940s. I'm just saying is all.

Great Barrier Reef: Natural feature supposedly made of living coral in the ocean off Australia where Doctor Michael J O'Kelly and various Cork University faculty members used to holiday in their youth.

Orinoco Flow: Interminable drivel by singer styling herself Enya. Also a river somewhere.

Megaliths and Neoliths: The terms are interchangeable and are used to describe academic staff and students from the Archaeological Faculty at Cork University. (cf Stoners.)

Wednesday, August 04, 2021

a short monograph on the use of cells from babies murdered by abortion to create commercial products for pharmaceutical companies


"You can't fight everyone."

"I'm not alone."

"It looks pretty much as if you are alone."

"No. Things aren 't quite as they seem. You'll find in every town and village and city... in every country of the earth... you'll find a remnant that God has kept for himself. Everywhere you go you will find some who have not bent the knee to Baal."

Tuesday, August 03, 2021

top ten responses when i tell people the corona virus vaccine is made out of unborn babies murdered by abortion


Counting down to the chart topper...

10. "You just read that on the internet."

9. "James no disprespect but I'm wondering how it could be true. You're the only person I've heard say it and it hasn't even been mentioned in the Irish Times, the Irish Independent, on RTE or on any news programme?"

8. "I hadn't heard that."

7. "Well maybe the babies would be happy that some good has come from their deaths."

6. "Those babies died fifty years ago. It's remote in time."

5. "Strictly speaking, it's not true to say the vaccines are made out of unborn babies murdered by abortion. They were made out of one unborn baby."

4. "I have to take the vaccine for work."

3. "Don't be worrying about things like that."

2. "Five million people can't be wrong."

1. "I went away and checked what you said. You were right. About the whole lot. They're not even denying it."

Monday, August 02, 2021

inglourious bar snurds


Scene: A basement bistro bar in European Union occupied France. James Healy and a little old lady are posing as chiefs of pharmaceutical companies in order to infiltrate the Fourth Reich. As James and the LOL quaff cups of tea, Albert Bourla Chief Executive of Pfizer, wearing full SS regalia. emerges from an alcove where he has been reading, and sits at their table.

Albert: "Waiter! Drinks!"

(He stares fixedly at James and the LOL)

Albert: "Zere is somezing about you. Somezing not quite right. When you enthuse about the vaccines I'm not sure I believe you."

James: "I come from a little town called Kilcullen. We all enthuse like that there. Sometimes we're not sure we believe in ourselves."

(The drinks arrive.)

Albert: (offering a toast) "Ein tausand jahriges vaccination program."

James and LOL: (drinking) "Ein tausand jahriges program."

Albert: "Enough of these monkey shines."

James: "What's a monkey shine?"

Little Old Lady: "I think it's something deceptive or dupliciousn. If he's going to be rude maybe we should leave."

Albert: "Show me your papers."

James: "Didn't I see you working at the Cafe Insomnia in Naas?"

Albert: "Nein, nein, nein. Sit down. You're not going anywhere. Who are you?"

James: "I'm ze head of Merck Sharpe And Wankerdom."

Albert: "Zat is not even a real pharmaceutical company. And let me tell you old bean, zat since you entered ziss bar, I have had a vaccination gun loaded with two doses of Covid 19 vaccine and one top up because vee now admit two doses doesn't work, pointed at your testicles. So it looks Herrless Heelers as though you vill be getting ze vaccine after all. And zen some."

James: "What a coincidence. Since you sat down I've had a vaccination gun pointed at your testicles loaded with a fifty strenght dose of the gender suppressant chemicals you give to five year olds to alter their development prior to mutilating sex change operations at the age of fifteen. So I guess you're about to find out if you are just one of fifty different genders as you've been telling the children for all these years."

Little Old Lady: (To Albert) "And I too have got a vaccination gun pointed at your testicles containing a dose of Mumps Measles Rubella vaccine, you know the concoction you claim doesn't cause Autism in children. Remember you ruined Doctor Andrew Wakefield for exposing it. That's the one. Normally you'd get it as an infant so we've upped the dose a hundred fold to create a scientifically valid test for the vaccine's potential for inducing autism in an adult. Soon you'll be able to make the claim that it's completely safe with real conviction."

Albert: "Oh bawls."