The Heelers Diaries

the fantasy world of ireland's greatest living poet

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Location: Kilcullen (Phone 087 7790766), County Kildare, Ireland

Monday, September 02, 2024

the mask of the daft hayporths


Shopping in a small town pharmacy for some product a fellow citizen wants me to get her.

A fetching young woman with a nose ring goes to fetch the product.

I do not endorse nose rings generally but she could kind of carry it off in a subtle, sylph like, sensual, sexual sort of way.

While she is gone a fetching, I espy a public health campaign poster on the wall.

The poster features an image of the deceased musician styled Freddie Mercury performing on stage with a  health board parody of his most famous song emblazoned in large letters beside him.

The song as written on the poster has been rejigged to urge people to wear face masks presumably during the international and interminable flu virus shenanigans of recent years.

The health board's parody reads:

"No mask on your face

Big disgrace

Spreading your germs all over the place."

It is not clear to me how Freddie Mercury could have given his consent from beyond the grave for the use of his image and his song to promote such nonsense.

It is by no means a safe assumption that he would have gone along with it if he had lived.

Some other equally famous though still living musicians, to wit Eric Clapton and Van Morrison, risked their standing and good names, to defy the conformist hysteria which health boards and governments at the behest of shadowy figures manipulating the World Health Organisation, attempted to impose on the public via face masks, social distancing and vaccines made out of aborted babies, during what has now been revealed as a thoroughly artificially induced Covid 19 panic lasting several years.

By the way, I mean both the panic and the flu itself were artificially induced, since the panic was entirely unnecessary and the virus had been manufactured in a laboratory using non lethal viruses taken from bats by Chinese communist party scientists at Wuhan which had been deliberately turned into more dangerous viruses that human beings could catch, a criminally adventurous process known as gain of function research, intended to make yet another fortune for pharmaceutical companies in vaccine development and carried out using funding from Anthony Fauci then head of the American National Institute of Health.

That's some dark cabal right there: The Chinese Communist Party, Pharmaceutical Companies, the World Health Organisation and Anthony Fauci.

I kid you not.

And the information I've given above is precisely what billionaire social media mogul Mark Zuckerberg this week admitted the FBI had compelled him to censor from Facebook at the height of the government mandated Covid 19 hysteria.

Incidentally it shows a peculiar though not surprising lack of taste for Irish health boards to hijack the late Freddie Mercury without his consent for their supposed hygiene campaign since the man died of Aids, a disease he contracted by engaging in markedly unhygienic sexual activities with multiple partners of the same gender as himself, and I might add, a disease to which the international response from the 1980s to almost the present, was led by no less a personage than Doctor Anthony Fauci of the American National Institute of Health whose sole response to the Aids crisis, aside from developing vaccines that could never work as their aim was to make inherently unsafe behaviour safe, his catchall solution to Aids I say, was to urge people to use condoms when engaging in the sexual debaucheries which were killing them.

But I digress.

Back in small town Ireland, the nose ring girl had returned to the counter.

"I see you're still going on with that face mask rubbish," I commented politely.

"Oh that poster has been there for years," she smiled.

"You know the face masks don't work?" I said.

"I do," said she.

"You're humouring me, aren't you?" said I.

"I am," said she.

Her nose ring seemed to glimmer most wooingly.

In the half light of that poky little small town pharmacy, I saw no shadow of another parting.