top ten times supposedly established scientific theories have been wrong
1. Scientists are massively implicated in the grotesque mendaciousness of pharmaceutical companies who pretend their products can rectify brain chemistry.
2. Scientists are hugely implicated in helping pharmaceutical companies draw a false linkage from brain chemistry to normal human experiences of life such as stress, sadness, depression, mania, and schizophrenia. This false linkage has been promoted as part of the fifty year marketing campaign for anti depressants and anti psychotics, addictive narcotic substances which have been given cutesy names by those trying to convince people to take them. After fifty years of lies, a growing number of scientists now admit there is no test of brain chemistry that will determine if a person has any particular category of mental suffering. We do not have a test for sanity. The pretence that we do or that we ever did, is a monstrous con.
3. Scientists collude in the lie that children's suffering can be rectified by drugging the kids into a stupor with Ridilin and associated products.
4. Scientists have propagated a monstrous lie in claiming that human beings are defined in their choices by genetic factors.
5. Scientists have proved intellectually and morally debased in their willingness to pathologise and sensationalise human sadness, preferring to interpret the dignity of sufferng as just another marketing tool for pharmaceutical products rather than advocating ways in which we can help each other to deal with our issues.
6. The advocacy by some scientists of the Darwinian claim that life began spontaneously by chance is now looking increasingly like the single greatest wrong turn in analytic, philosophical, scientific and spiritual history. The late British astronomer Fred Hoyle commented: "The chances of life beginning spontaneously by chance are the same chance as that of a tornado hitting a junk yard and assembling a 747 Jet out of the rubbish."
7. String Theory is not true. It has devoured the best minds of a generation, wasted billions of dollars in research grants and man hours, swallowed academia whole, and there's no theory there.
8. Einstein's Relativity Theory and the Standard Model of Quantum Theory contradict each other. One of them by the law of logical contradiction seems definitively false. Both may be.
8. Light has no speed. All theories contingent upon a measurable speed of light are false.
9. Time travel is not possible because the past no longer exists in the expansion. All theories (and fantasies) contingent upon the possibility of time travel are false.
10. The development and dissemination of contraceptive pills has led to a sterilising effect on humans and animals. As hormonal substances from these products leach into the food chain, we are seeing an attendant masculinisation of females and feminisation of males.
11. The barbarism of the modern era holocaust of abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide has largely been facilitated by scientists.
12. The propagation of sex change operations as an option in human treatment has been facilitated by scientists who are as per usual morally debased by their lust for gold and glory. These mutilating procedures which do not actually work, are now being initiated on children as well as adults.
13. The speculative scientific predictions of televisual entertainments like Star Trek, Doctor Who, Time Tunnel et al, which dominated the popular imagination for the past fifty years, have all so far proved a flop. There are no tractor beams. No teleportation devices. No force fields. No time travel. No intergalactic space ships bringing us to other worlds. No visits from alien beings.