The Heelers Diaries

the fantasy world of ireland's greatest living poet

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Location: Kilcullen (Phone 087 7790766), County Kildare, Ireland

Friday, August 23, 2019


air borne insects hum
homeward go they homeless
and propose this street lamp or that car light
as the all important centre of the universe

purposeless they try again
to divine transcendent purpose
the light that animates their bodies
shines from the centre of the universe

banco ambrosiano versus anglo irish bank late kick off

It was the perfect blag.

In 1982 the Italian Banco Ambrosiano collapsed with billion dollar debts.
The Sicilian Cosa Nostra mafia had used the bank to launder billions of dollars disguised as fake loans to proxy mafiosi posing as businessmen.
The mafia had also created an alliance with a Free Masonic group styled P2 to subvert the Italian State while burglarising systematically their own bank.
A deliberate false trail had been laid by making the Vatican a shareholder in Banco Ambrosiano.
As the bank collapsed witnesses and participants in the crime were selecctively murdered by the mafia to prevent the story being told or investigated.

In 2009 in Ireland a company called Anglo Irish Bank which was controlled by the presiding Irish mafia the IRA, collapsed with billions of dollars in debt.
The IRA had used Cosa Nostra's Banco Ambrosiano model to steal billions from their own bank via fake loans to proxies posing as businessmen.
As with Banco Ambrosiano, Anglo Irish Bank's share price was being propped up with billion dollar loans from the bank itself.
The corrupt government of Prime Minister Brian Cowan and Finance Minister Brian Lenihan signed up the Irish people to paying the IRA's debts to itself, by natonalising the then worthless Anglo Irish Bank using further billions of public money.
Shortly thereafter Brian Lenihan conveniently died of "cancer."
The behaviour of the Fianna Fail government (and I would add subsequent Fine Gael governments who participated in and extended the Anglo bail out) was treasonous.
The IRA's main proxy business front in the Anglo job was Sean Quinn and his mobster family.
The Quinns laundered the stolen billions from Anglo Irish Bank into Russia and the Ukraine in partnership with Russian mafia skang gangs.
The IRA is at present terrorising companies formerly owned and operated by Sean Quinn on the IRA's behalf, to take Sean Quinn back as their owner and or manager.
It is not yet clear whether the IRA uses Free Masonic structures in its ongoing subversion of the Irish State through the broadcaster RTE, the civil service, and the trade union movement.

History repeats itself, the pseuds say, first as tragedy, then as farce.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

to the overthrow

the worm things from the soft earth
in the rainfall night crawl forth
onto pavement doorstep or road
into the concrete certainty of death

they do not think but they know
that in a darkness yet to fall
there will be an overthrow
and those who rule will crawl

and those who crawl will rule
though tonight in their impossible thousands they die
crushed under wheel trampled underfoot
conquered by a nation that knows them not

rum reflections

Without the literacy and numeracy that came from the Bible, there can be no science.
Without the university system established by the Catholic Church, there can be no science.
Without "thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour," there can be no science.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

porch light

creatures of the wing
crowd the haloed glass
chained by lightning
to darkness

i kill the light
they fly away free
to chase new dreams
to embrace new slavery

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

the ira a users guide

The IRA (or Rah) is a patriotic association of like minded individuals dedicated to the proposition that Irish children should grow up with a ready supply of cannabis, cocaine, amphetamines and heroin available on their doorstep at competitive prices.
It is a core IRA belief that all men are created equally capable of being addicted to saleable narcotics.
Hence the IRA's motto is: Life, liberty and a larger share of the drug trade than that held by any other comparable mafia in Europe or North America.
Opium is the opium of the people, goes the famous Rah dictum.
And they mean to supply it.
In a bid to avoid being pigeon holed as drug dealers, the IRA also robs banks, engages in people trafficking, and violates children on an industrial scale with images thereof sold on the internet by Eoin Eric Marques for profit.
The favoured method of bank robbery is no longer the old fashioned caveman approach with hirsute mumbly joe Rahmen bursting in to banks with shotguns bellowing: "This is a stick up."
This method had caused endless confusion when bank tellers and customers failed to understand the Rahmen's incomprehensible attempts at verbalising until they had been shotgunned to death.
Today the favoured IRA method for robbing banks (as used at Anglo Irish Bank) is much more civilised.
First the Rah buys the bank.
Then it subverts the management.
Then it gives itself billion dollar loans for fake business ventures until the bank collapses.
This method was borrowed from the Cosa Nostra who used it to rob the Banco Ambrosiano in Italy during the 1980's.
The IRA is a forward thinking, progressive organisation with a healthy sense of irony and a fine flair for humour. In spite of decades as a KGB Soviet Communist run operation answering to its Marxian masters in Moscow, the Rah still claims to be the legitimate representative of Catholic people in Northern Ireland.
The irony is screaming.
As were most of the IRA's thousands of victims (from murder, suicide and the drug trade) over the past forty years.
One might note that the IRA represents Catholicism only in the way that mass murderer Chairman Mao represented Chinese Buddhism, that is to say, not at all.
If you are fortunate enough to meet a Rahman be careful not to criticise his rancid hypocrisy as they don't like this.
The IRA nationwide is built around a scattering of clans, often the only heroic ne'er do wells and reporbates in a given village willing to make a living by poisoning their neighbours children with drugs.
These clans give themselves distinctive names, such as the New IRA, Continuity IRA, Independent IRA, Real IRA, Official IRA, Provisional IRA the INLA and what have you.
What Have You is considered the most dangerous IRA faction of all, just after the INLA a Rah faction set up to carry out atrocities that the Rah didn't want to be associated with, ergo its cunning non use of the much loved IRA acronym.
In 1991 the IRA decided to focus full time on its drug dealing, people trafficking and child abuse divisions, abandoning what it euphemistically called "the armed struggle" in Ireland.
This change of Rah strategy away from armed struggle with the British army, the Irish army, the police, the public and anything non Rah that moved in Ireland, coincidentally occurred as the Soviet Union collapsed and the KGB informed its Rah operatives that Russia would no longer be financing their attempts to murder Northern Ireland to freedom.
It would be churlish to suggest that the IRA abandoned the armed struggle simply because the Russians pulled out of the freedom fighting scam.
But let's be clear.
The IRA abandoned the armed struggle simply because the Russians pulled out of the freedom fighting scam.
Happily for all concerned, desisting from overt terrorism has left the IRA free to focus on its other beneficial community oriented activities.
This change in IRA strategy away from armed struggle terrorism towards a policy focussed solely on drug dealing, people trafficking and child abuse is known in Ireland as The Peace Process.
For all its faults the IRA continues to hold a pre eminent position in Irish cultural, public, political and commercial life.
Street front businesses are usually Rah fronts financed by Rah banks.
Politicians from all parties campaign at the Rah's behest for the legalisation of drugs. (The subverting of politicians from all parties is another trick borrowed from Cosa Nostra.)
Respected singers like Christie Moore immortalise the IRA in monumental works such as: "Let The Wicklow Boy Go Free," "La Quinta Brigada," and the more subtly elegaic "Oooh ahhh up the Rah."
And who could forget WB Yeats masterful poem:
"Simple Simon met a Rah man,
Going to the fair.
Said Simple Simon to the Rah man,
---- off out of my country you evil  drug dealing -----."

pardon me but your kumquat is in my eschatological discourse

Debating with a woman I've met in Lidl supermarket.
She's greeted me.
She recognises me because she once worked for my uncle.
She has the notion that I am some sort of religious maniac.
She tells me she is now worshipping with a group of non Catholics.
She's mentioned the claimed apparitions at Medjugorje which she has visited and is sceptical of, and which I am careful about, but still interested in.
Ooopsies, she's taken a side swipe at the Catholic Church.
And away we go.
I'm rather enjoying her challenges.
"You Catholics let the priests come between you and God," quoth she. "There's no need for any priests. Go directly to God."
"I agree with you that people can and should go directly to God," sez me. "He's there for us. I'm with you a hundred percent on that. But I'm saying to you that the priests are a glory of the human race given by God. As is the mass. As is the celebration of communion. Why would we throw his gifts back in his face?"
"How can you say that after what they've done?"
"I stand with them. If they'll have me. I stand with them. Proudly."
"Oh James. After all their crimes."
"You're judging everyone by the slanders you've heard on RTE and in a few bankrupt Bolshevick freemasonic newspapers. In every generation the forces of hell try to murder the Catholic Church from human history. In 400 AD it was the Vandal invasions. From 700 to now, it's been Islamism. For the last 150 years the Communists have given it a whirl and they've outkilled even the Islamists. For a few decades in the 1930s and 1940s the Nazis had a go. Why would you be surprised that in our generation when two millennia of murdering priests has failed, evil would now try slander in its attempt to erase the church from human experience?"
"But you Catholics allow priests and saints and symbols and rituals to come between yourselves and God. It's not just priests. You have all this nonsense about the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints praying for you in heaven. There's no need for any of that. Go directly to God. Why would you need anyone or anything else?"
"Because has loaded reality with riches intended for us. I still agree with you that we can and should go directly to God. But the Blessed Mother and the saints are real. Like the priests and the nuns they are a glorious part of reality. Why cut ourselves off from something so beautiful?"
"If you really believe in God there is no need for saints and blessed virgins."
"Well, you say you believe in the authority of the Bible. Okay. The Bible records Peter and Paul healing people on earth as well as the Lord saying: If you believe in me you will do greater miracles than I have done. There is ample testimony from experience and from tradition that people on earth can and should pray for each other. That it works through God's power never through our own power. So why not people in heaven? I'm suggesting that somehow we become who God wants us to be when we care enough about each other to pray to God for each other. We know that here on earth sometimes God will heal a person when another person prays for him or lays hands on him. It is indeed as some Protestant believers say: God honours prayers. We also see that some people who live among us are a bit like Saint Peter and Saint Paul, ie they get quite good results from prayer, who knows why, maybe they're somehow closer to the Lord than we are. Okay then. If God has told us to pray for each other on earth as most believing Protestants and Catholics profess, and if God has made us immortal souls, why would we doubt the reality that holy people after death who go to God can still pray for us in heaven? That's the Catholic understanding anyway. My testimony to you is that it is true."

if my jack russell had been lead singer with the doors

There are things known.
And things unknown.
And in between are the biscuits.

Monday, August 19, 2019

brexit bawls

It takes a certain category of genius to continually plumb new depths.
I am rarely surprised by the depths to which Independent Newspapers routinely sinks, the depths of their nihilism, their paganistic hedonism, their atheism, their arrrant unthinking conformism in the guise of pseudo radicalism, their hatred for Christianity, their detestation of the dignity of the person, their loathing for our past, their worship of amoral kleptocratic billionaires such as their former owner Tony O'Reilly or their current white collar criminal owner Denis O'Bribe... it's all so wearisomely predictable.
Today I admit I was a little surprised at an Independent Newspapers headline.
It seemed to reach a new low.
Bear in mind that Ireland's Fine Gael government under Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has just announced a ban on motor cars that use petrol (ie ones that work) from 2030.
Here's the headline in the Irish Independent on page 7:
"Slump In New Car Sales As Buyers Turn To Used Imports In Face Of Brexit Uncertainty."
Intriguing eh!
The government bans the motor car.
Motor car sales fall.
And the geniuses at Independent House tell us the fall in car sales is because the British are leaving the European Union.
You couldn't make it up.
Well folks.
There is no business model for that newspaper group.
I mean they're bust.
They can't lose any more readers because they don't have any.
They can't be any more bust than  losing a billion dollars in forty years of false accounting and having the government write off their billion dollar debts to Allied Irish Bank by purchasing the bank with public money and cancelling the debt.
Yet through the endless largesse of the government, Independent Newspapers has found an undefeatable business model.
They don't need readers as long as the government is cancelling their debts and slipping them the odd million under the table through the Prime Minister's illegal media unit which has been paying Independent Newspapers and other publications to print government press releases disguised as news.
Hence in the world of Independent Newspapers, nothing is Varadkar's fault nor will it ever be.
It's all Brexit.
Hilarious no.
The readerless Indo was in fact full of Brexit Bawls government press releases masquerading as news today.
On the front page  we had the coy enough Bawls headline:
"Brexit Risk To 5 Euro Pension Hike."
On page five we had a more saucy Bawls angle about the status of the Irish border with Northern Ireland being adversely affected by the British leaving Europe. Apparently the IRA mafia find borders very upsetting and may do something worse than poisoning a generation of Irish children and adults with drugs if the border is enforced. Bless. I mean Bawls.
On page 7 we had the previously mentioned Classic Bawls Surprise about car sales.
On page 23 we had an editorial headline Bawling: "We Will All Pay A High Price For A No Deal Brexit."
On page 24 in the Business Section, the Bawls reached fever pitch: "Buoyant Economy Under Threat From Brexit And World Slow Down."
The world slow down comes in second place.
And the excessive pay rates with which Prime Minister Leo Varadkar routinely bribes the public service and the rackateer run trade union sectors, don't even merit a mention in an assessment of the Irish economy's health or ill health.
Everything is coming up Bawls.
Perhaps there is some employee at Independent House, perhaps one of O'Bribe's drones in Sector Seven Gee, reading this right this moment, within whom still flickers a vestige of conscience.
If so he might ask himself:
Is it really wise to continually tell the Irish people that they bear no responsibility for the condition of their country or the invidiousness of their governments?
Is it really wise to force the citizenry through taxation to finance newspaper and media groups that the people are unwilling to support deliberately through choice by purchasing their titles or listening to their broadcast programming?
Is it really wise to train the populace to blame all their ills on Brexit, Climate Change and the past generations while the country is engulfed by suicide, abortion, drug dealers, gangsterism, and murder?