In the year 1992, the actress who played Joanie in the 1970's TV series Happy Days, accused the actor who played Fonzie of sexually molesting her during filming of that series.
In the year 1996, the actress who played Joanie withdrew her allegations and apologised for attempting to profit from the ruination of the actor who played Fonzie.
Meanwhile the bankrupt Daily Mirror, the bankrupt Rupert Murdock owned phone tapping, police bribing, politician subverting Sun, Sky News, and Times, and the pharmaceutical company PR machine which is the bankrupt Daily Mail, along with the hind tit bankrupt Irish Independent newspapers belonging to Tony O'Reilly and Irish government Minister bribing robber baron Denis O'Brien, continue to traffic in the propagation of an assumption of guilt for the deceased broadcaster Jimmy Savile.
The bankrupt British and Irish newspapers have nowhere else to go.
If they admit they have falsely impugned Jimmy Savile, if they admit they have contrived a malign trial by newspaper, if they for one second take their foot off the pedal in propagating their paid for allegations, their purchased testimonies, why then, their bankruptcy will quickly become foreclosure.
They will be gone.
So this week the terror took a new spin.
In an attempt to extend the story, the bankrupt newspaper groups, all of whom spent the 1960's, 1970's, and 1080's cheerleading sexual promiscuity, began to publish unsubstantiated allegations against a host of other celebrities.
Some poor devil who voiced Larry the Lamb in a children's show in the 1960's.
A popular sitcom star of the 1970's.
Both conveniently dead.
Dead men don't sue newspapers.
I gotta tell you folks.
This is the destruction of law.
Allowing Rupert Murcock's employees to call anyone "paedo" or "pervert" means we are one step from anarchy.
The fact that Murdock's titles are being investigated for bribing the police, tapping the phones of murdered schoolgirls, and subverting British politicians, adds a particularly ominous note to the statements by Detective Peter Spindler who has been claiming without any evidence or court hearing whatsoever, (and apparently in an attempt to bolster the credibility of the newspaper campaign of vilification against deceased broadcaster Jimmy Savile), that there may be 300 to 500 victims of Jimmy Savile, and that Jimmy Savile may have been the worst sexual predator in British history.
In a country where children are being found dismembered in the Thames ever week?
Not fifty years ago.
But right now.
Worst predator ever?
A rich man against whom no court case was ever brought in his lifetime and whose supposed accusers remain largely anonymous?
Worst ever?
There's something not right here.
When pressed for details, the best Mr Spindler could do was the following: "There's one case in a particular town (
He named it and gave a date and circumstance.) But the file has gone missing."
Right so.
It's not a case.
It's an attempt by Peter Spindler to give information to any member of the public who might wish to make a profit by taking up the details asserted by Peter Spindler and building a claim around them.
An Irish leftist writer called Gerard Maloney, who is a priest writing in a magazine styling itself Reality, took up the presumption of guilt for Jimmy Savile.
But Gerard Maloney has a smidgen of intergrity.
Gerard Maloney spelt out the exact number of allegations against the deceased broadcaster Jimmy Savile, whom Gerard Maloney presumes is guilty.
The exact number?
Well there are two claims by people that they had sex with him when they were teenagers and that the sex was rape, ie not consensual.
There are six claims by people saying they received unwanted advances from him.
All of these claims come from people who have been paid for making those claims by media groups with a vested interest in labelling deceased celebrity Jimmy Savile as a paedophile in an attempt to bolster sales of their near defunct titles.
I urge you not to attend this circus.